Wednesday, April 13, 2016

TIPS & TRICKS | I bet you didn't know this!

Today I want to share with you some information that is not common knowledge and I think it's really important. If you have been here for a hot minute, you know that since I got my braces I've became a little bit obsessed with oral hygiene and making sure that I'm doing the best I can to improve my oral health. Hereupon, I'm showing you here 6 facts that I didn't know before and that
completely blew my mind! All this information was given to me by my Dentist and Dental hygienist
I'm not in any form an expert about this subject, and if you are, and if I am saying something that is completely wrong let me know!

1- Mouthwash is not supposed to be used after brushing, but BEFORE BRUSHING. Mouthwash helps to release the pieces of food that are stuck in between our teeth. It should be the first step of your routine.

2- Unless you have braces, or gum problems, you shouldn't use Mouthwash with Alcohol in it. Alcohol is proved to cause cancer in your mouth and you should try to avoid it. My Dental hygienist was the one who told me. The alcohol is good if you have braces or gun problems because it helps not only to numb it but also to disinfect. Even so, you should not used it for more than two weeks in a row, or you should deglute it. I am telling you all this, but to be honest I need that burn of the alcohol to really feel like my mouth was really disinfected!

3 - Whitening toothpaste doesn't make your teeth whiter. Have you noticed how some toothpastes have like a sandy texture? The truth is that most whiting toothpastes are very abrasive for your teeth. When you are brushing with them, it's like you are exfoliating the top layer of your teeth enamel  --top layer of your teeth --  that is stained yellow. And yeah, of course that they will look whiter, but after several years of using this, your will lose this top layer and you will have a lot of sensitivity to heat, cold or acid beverages. I've actually noticed this before --  when I use Max White or Oral B tooth paste my teeth get super sensitive to temperature.

4 - You shouldn't rinse your your mouth after brushing. Toothpaste usually has a lot of fluorine. That is great for avoiding and preventing cavities! After brushing you shouldn't clean your mouth with water. Instead you should just spit out all the excess toothpaste and just leave some remaining in you mouth. Usually people do this with mouthwash -- after brushing, you gargle with mouthwash, then you spit it out and you leave some lingering around in your mouth...  but hey mouthwash only has (if it even has) 300-500 ppm of Florine. While toothpaste has around 1500 ppm!

5 - Softer toothbrushes are always better than harder one. The bristles on your toothbrush should be hard or medium, but soft. The strength of the bristles doesn't make your teeth cleaner. Again, it only hurts your enamel or your gums. You should always use a soft toothbrush, And you should never forget to brush closer to your gums --  because that's where all the junk gets stuck!

6 - Electrical toothbrushes do not clean your teeth better than a manual one. It's a misconception transmitted to us by this industry and marketing. In fact, my dentist told me that now-a-days electrical toothbrush are advised only for people that may not be able to do an OK job with a manual one, because their mobility or dexterity is compromised. Like kids or elderly people. Otherwise there is no point on investing in a electric toothbrush.

Did you knew these facts? If you know any other interesting tips and tricks, leave me a comment and tell me, please ;)


  1. Comecei agora a seguir o blog, estou a cuscar os posts mais antigos e estou a adorar :)

    Por acaso não tenho o melhor relacionamento possível com os dentes, mas até sabia praticamente todos estes pontos, excepto que se devia bochechar antes de lavar os dentes. Posso não seguir uma parte do que o dentista diz, mas a teoria até sei toda. eheheheheh

  2. Really interesting post...thx for sharing! xx

  3. Oh não conhecia nenhuma das coisas mencionaste, foi bastante informativo este teu post :p

    Cantinho da Suu
    Participa no giveaway do blog Giveaway Dia da Mãe

  4. Definitivamente dicas interessantes que irei ter em conta no futuro. E ainda bem que li esta publicação agora porque estava mesmo a pensar em investir numa escova de dentes eléctrica.

  5. Hey querida! :) Aquele momento em que me sinto absolutamente burra por não fazer ideia de metade destas coisas... Ups!

  6. Adorei o post, tens aí uns factos curiosos :).
    Não sabia que se deve bochechar antes de lavar os dentes, pensava que era o contrário.
    Blog: Life of Cherry

  7. And . . . 7) Don't brush your eye balls.

  8. Desconhecia totalmente o ponto nº1, agora já sei! Gostei imenso do post :)
    beijinhos, The Fancy Cats

  9. E eu a achar que realmente as escovas eletricas eram mais eficazes :o

  10. SPONGEBOOOOOOB!!!!!!! «3

    sim, por acaso já sabia a maioria dessas coisas, graças ao youtube xD


  11. Post interessante, a maioria das coisas já sabia, mas desconhecia a 1ª.

  12. A maioria até sabia mas essa de usar o elixir antes era-me totalmente desconhecida!

  13. Também não sabia de algumas coisas!

  14. Eu já os sabia todos, mas tenho a desculpa de ser dentista =P

  15. Gostei do post, gostei das interessane e importante.

  16. Ola Linda:)
    Tudo Bem?
    Adorei as dicas:)
    Obrigada Bjs Open Kloset
    Novo Post:

  17. Nao sabia essa das pastas branqueadoras deixarem os dentes mais sensiveis à temperatura! Agora já percebo o porque de os meus andarem mesmo sensíveis :s

    Vou já amanha comprar uma que não seja desse tipo XD


  18. wow! so many new! i didn't know much of it and yeah I'm guilty of using wash after brush the teeth

    Inside and Outside Blog
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  19. Já conhecia mais ou menos os princípios, tirando o primeiro. Tenho a ideia de ter lido que era igual usar antes ou depois :)

  20. Helpful post! Happy Monday! xoxo

    Vildana from Living Like V (I HAVE A GIVEAWAY ON MY BLOG SO BE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT) & Stalia Is BAE

  21. I've been doing it wrong for years

  22. Não fazia ideia da número 1. Eu por acaso prefiro usar escovas de dentes para bebés/crianças porque são mais suaves e flexíveis, sendo que até me duram mais tempo em condições!

  23. Você fez um post excelente, também fiz um parecido no blog e é sempre essencial uma boa higiene bucal. *--*
    Beijos. ♥

    Diário da Lady


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