Friday, October 7, 2016

The new era of catalogue shopping |

Catalogue shopping was something super popular back in the 90's. But it's something that is really coming back, but in a online format!  Companies like La Redoute, or SimplyBe are super famous and still sell a lot of things. They used to have a huge catalog in paper, that you could flip thought and see the most amazing things. remember that? They had a lot of different things. You can really just buy anything thought a catalog, really. But some catalogs are better to buy somethings than others. For example, you would buy an electronic thingy from La Redoute, right?

But the real question is how to know what catalog to use to buy what?
Well, there are a cool website called that can help you with that.
Let's say we want to buy some new clothes... well we need some catalogues for women cloths right? Which one should we choose, there a lot of them...? Well, of course it depends on what type of cloths we are looking for! We can use catalogues247, search for women clothes and see the options that apear. And when you chose any of this options, they show you the top 3 rated catalogs for this category! And You just choose one of them, click and you are re-directed to that website!

Isn't this awesome? I mean, if you like to shop online, this is just perfect for you. And you know what? It's free. You don't need to subscribe anything, or to create an account to use this service. Is completely free and openly available to you!

Visit their website, and try this for yourself! I know you are going to love it!


  1. Great post dear! :)

    New post on my blog:

  2. A roupa é sempre um risco. Por muito gira que seja nem sempre nos fica bem. Mas até agora as compras online têm corrido bem.

    O Meu Dolce Far Niente

  3. Adorava, quando era miúda, de receber o catálogo da La Redoute em casa!! Ficava fascinada!!
    Hoje em dia, dificilmente compraria roupa por catálogo.

  4. Não conhecia o site mas parece ser mesmo útil!
    An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram

  5. Gostei de conhecer esse site só tem coisas lindas.
    Jana Makes Esmaltes e Cia

  6. Oh man, catalog shopping days were the best kind of days! I remember flipping through catalogs and marking things and hoping my mom would see them... What a cool thing (this website)! I'll have to check it out.

  7. Great post dear! Is a very interesting website..i go now to visit it!

  8. Jeeeeezz! Uma pessoa está fora durante uns dias e aparecem uma data de posts para ler :P
    Ora vamos lá pôr a leitura em dia!
    Aiiiii é verdade... eu passava horas infinitas a ver os catálogos da LaRedoute!
    Óptima sugestão de site :) vou fazer uma visitinha :D

    um beijinho*
    Dreams and Lemonade

  9. Antigamente comprava muita coisa por catálogo... hoje em dia... confesso que já nem tanto!
    Preciso de experimentar se as coisas de facto me favorecem ou não...
    De qualquer forma... um endereço, onde dá para espreitar o que as marcas têm para oferecer... e as últimas tendências...

  10. É muito útil e intuitivo, gostei :)


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