Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tips & Tricks | 5 Tips on how make cheap cloths look expensive

When I step out of the house, wearing something that I love, I know that my confidence will be through the roof f that day. And although I would love to buy only nice and expensive cloths, that's just impossible for me. So I've got some tips to share with you, really cheap ways to make cheap cloths look expensive! I've been trying to not spend a lot of money, I've been thing to me more minimalist and more contained. So I've been trying to make the most of what I already have.

1- The perfect white tee. This is a basic and super underrated essential. A simple nice t-shirt, that you can buy on Primark for like 7 euros. And the trick to make it look expensive is the styling. I like to roll the sleeves a little bit and wear it under a nice leather jacket. 

2 - Statement Jewelry. Big nice necklaces can really transform an outfit. You can put it on top of the white tee, make it a little bit more fun, or to tuck it underneath of your plain white button down shirt, and make that professional look much more stylish! But be careful when choosing your jewelry. You don't want to get anything plastic-y, with loose gems or that looks to cheap..

3- Simple and classic makeup. Eyeliner and lipstick can really make any look feel more expensive. But for me only thee shades of lipstick work for this : pink, red or nude. And s little bit of liquid liner. I thing doing a full on wing is a bit to much, and it kinda pulls away from the elegant, expensive look that I like. So usually I just add a little line of liner, super close to my top lashes.

4 - Get your cloths tailored. A well fitted garment always look super nice and expensive. Try to get your cloths tailored to fit you perfectly. This makes all the diference. 

5 - Keep it simple. Try not to use shirts or t-shirts with big prints, or words or just weird stuff on it. Low quality stuff tends to lose color in the prints, or the words start to crack, and that looks awful.Try to buy classic small patterns or prints. 

I hope you enjoyed my tips, and of course, let me know in comments what do you do to try and make your outfits feel more fancy and expensive! I'm always looking for this type of tips! 


  1. Zalezy kto co lubi. Kiedyś chodziłam w naszyjnikach, wisiorkach itd teraz od dłuższego czasu tego nie robię, sama nie wiem dlaczego zaprzestałam :)

  2. Um blazer bem fitted por cima de uma blusa mais baratinha faz logo a diferença :)

  3. I agree with the tips totally.
    Would you like to follow me back?

  4. From a male perspective, I like girls in lip gloss more than in lipstick. Some girls can really look good in lipstick, others okay, and some go overboard

  5. São boas dicas mesmo, noto imenso com os acessórios, dá logo outro ar mais finesse a um look simples! Só que muitas vezes até me esqueço de usar haha.

  6. Estas dicas são super importantes querida, especialmente o ter a roupa bem ajustada ao nosso corpo :)

  7. Gostei muito das dicas (:

  8. Boas dicas!

  9. Nice post! loving the review! I was delighted to read you and see your photos.
    i love your blog, follow for follow? let me know

  10. Couldn't agree more! Keeping it simple is the key :)


  11. Belas dicas! Espero que esteja a correr bem o novo trabalho!

  12. I agree totally! Thank you for visiting my blog and following me! I followed back <3
    Awesome blog :)

  13. These tips were great, I never thought about turning up the sleeves on a white top before.

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

  14. Excelentes dicas! Os básicos são sempre apostas excelentes :)

  15. I'm just now putting on my big girl panties and starting to get clothes tailored. It really does make such difference!

  16. amei as dicas, ultimamente ando a tentar seguir exatamente estes conselhos, é muito mais prático combinar básicos uns com os outros :p
    beijinhos, Noelle :) http://supergirlinconverse.blogspot.pt/

  17. Adorei as dicas! E o que eu preciso deste tipo de posts!
    Tenho "investido" na maquilhagem simples e nas roupas básicas! Queria "meter-me" nos acessórios, mas basta-me os brincos e o relógio...

  18. As tuas dicas são muito boas! =) Adorei!
    Comecei a seguir o teu blog! =)


  19. Boas dicas! Sem dúvida que roupa barata usada da maneira certa pode até superar roupa cara mal conjugada :)

  20. Óptimas dicas!
    E ás vezes, basta uma peça ou um acessório mais carote, para valorizar todo um conjunto...
    E vou-te dizer... marcas caras... estragam-se e passam, de moda da mesma forma, que as mais baratas... hoje em dia, já não tenho quaisquer complexos de andar com peças em conta... especialmente quando vejo que me valorizam por vezes bem mais, do que peças de marca... uma etiqueta pendurada em mim, não me torna mais elegante, do que uma peça que me assente mesmo bem, mesmo não sendo de marca...


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