Tuesday, February 2, 2016

My No Poo Shampoo Story

You've probably red something about this somewhere online before or you've heard some youtuber talking about it. So you all know what it the No Poo Shampoo concept. Yeah, basically it's ditching shampoo for good. People say it's good to go No Poo. Why? Because shampoo is expensive (YEP!), and full of chemicals that can be harmful for your health and your hair and scalp. Our hair, supposedly, produces natural oils that condition and nurture our hair, so using shampoo messes up the natural balance and can cause us to produce more oil and have oily hair. That's the theory. 

I am a fan of this idea -- well, with some tweaks. But I follow this concept on my daily basis. I tried to go completely without shampoo, but I kept feeling dirty, My hair didn't look dirty -- I felt dirty. You know I have a thing with showering, and feeling clean, right? 
Anyway, I can stay one full week without washing my hair. I only wash my hair on Saturdays, And I try not to use too much shampoo, and only apply it near the roots, During the week I don't have time to deal with the whole process involved with washing my hair. Blow-drying, brushing, straightening... It just takes too much time. And before I started doing this, my hair was really damaged and falling a lot. And a few months after stop using shampoo so regularly, my hair improved a lot! Something else that I do is, in the middle of the week -- like Wednesday or Thursday --  I use some dry shampoo to kinda freshen it up and to give it some volume. But it doesn't look dirty at all! 

However, to get to this point I had to pass through some weird phases. When I decided that I was going to stop using shampoo, the next weeks were crazy! My hair looked super super dirty.  All oily and flat. I used dry shampoo, and baking soda to manage it -- but never washed with regular shampoo. But it was hard. After maybe the 3rd or 4th week it just stared looking normal. And that's when I washed again (just the roots, with a tiny little drop of regular shampoo). And since then I have been able to stay one week or more without shampooing it!

The next thing I want to try is some bar shampoo from Lush. I've red it is really good and it keeps your hair fresher than regular shampoo. So I really really want to try it!

Tell me, have you tried this No Poo Shampoo thing? And the Lush Shampoo Bars? 


  1. Já tinha ouvido falar mas acho que isso não é para mim. Uma vez tentei o champô de cebola, para o cabelo crescer mais rapidamente, e já me sentia nojenta. Não cheirava mal, não estava sujo, mas eu tinha a impressão que sim. Deixei-me disso ao fim de duas semanas. Não teria paciência para deixar passar as primeiras semanas até me habituar. E sinceramente, com o meu trabalho, acho que não dava mesmo: fica um cheiro horrível entranhado na pele, nas roupas, no cabelo. Não dá

  2. R:já exprimentei ontem por o turquesa mas ficou como está na foto, por isso vou mesmo escolher um azul a ver se dá um tom mais bonito

  3. Deixaste-me cheia de vontade de experimentar porque eu confesso que nunca tinha lido nada do género..

  4. R: Não, nunca festejei o dia dos namorados e este ano não será diferente porque não há moço. E tu, há planos?

  5. R: Não, nunca tive nenhum hábito desses. É um dia como os outros.

  6. Eu também diminui bastante as vezes que lavo o cabelo!

  7. Já experimentei, mas não aguentei muito tempo. Isto por causa das fases que falaste. Não posso andar no meu dia-a-dia com o cabelo sujo. Se ainda fosse estudante podia fazer isso, mas a trabalhar não :(

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  9. I'm not too sure about going without shampoo, honestly. I think I can do it, but I've got to condition, haha!

    May | THE MAYDEN | bloglovin'

  10. That's amazing that you wash your hair only once a week!

    I have the bar shampoo, not from Lush but from Ma Provence if you heard for them.. They also use only natural ingredients like Lush. It was weird washing my hair at first using a bar, but now I got used to it and my hair isn't as oily as it was before. I was washing my hair every other day before and now after using this (about a week and a half) I'm washing it every 3rd day, so it did improved my hair for sure! Amazing :)

  11. Eu lavo duas vezes por semana, mas desses tipo de shampoos nunca experimentei hehe

  12. Não nunca experimentei, mas tento diminuir o número de lavagens! Por normal tenho mesmo de lavar dia sim dia não!


  13. Só não experimento porque o meu cabelo é uma desgraça, senão, experimentava de boa vontade :D


  14. Gostei
    Muito obrigada pela visita volta sempre adorei

  15. Eu tenho que lavar o meu cabelo todos os dias, como é oleoso, sinto-me mal em vir com o cabelo sujo para o trabalho. Só experimentei o shampoo normal da Lush e gostei, as barras não experimentei.

  16. Gostei imenso deste post até porque nunca tentei nada do género :)

  17. great post very informative

  18. Really interesting post...thx for sharing! xx


  19. Amazing post dear! xx

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  20. Nem de propósito! Ontem fui à piscina e esqueci-me do champô, logo, só passei o cabelo por água... E ele ficou com óptimo aspecto! Mas isto foi um incidente, posso até pensar em alternar, mas deixar de usar champô não me parece...
    Quanto a esse produto da Lush nunca ouvi falar, mas fiquei curiosa :))


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