Thursday, January 19, 2017

Tips&Tricks | Saving money on Lush

By now you know that my love for lush products is bigger than life itself, right?! You know I really enjoy this type of natural, hand-made products. But they are SO expensive! Too expensive, almost. I really enjoy using them and it'a something that I happy to spend my money on, but I don't like to waste my money! I've been shopping regularly at Lush for a wile now and I've found out some things that are helpful for getting my money's worth!

1- After the different holidays, the thematic products usually are 50% off (or but one, get one free). This is an awesome opportunity to stock up on bath-bombs or bubble-bars! And this is specially good after Valentine's Day!

2 - If you are not using them right away, don't keep your bath-bombs in the paper-bag they come in. They will loose their fizziness, and you will be disappointed. Use a tin can. I have a big tin can -- you know, those that usually come filled with cookies -- and I keep my bath-bombs in it. There's a reason why lush sells tiny tin boxes for their products! 

3 - Usually you don't need to use a full bath-bomb to have fun. You can just leave it in the tub for a while, until the water has changed color and then, take it out. I can usually get 2 to 3 uses out of it. The same with bubble-bars -- just break off a bit, crumble it in your hands, and 

4- Lush gives out samples of pretty much anything. My favorite thing to ask for is the fresh face masks. Their fresh face masks are made with fresh ingredients and they have a very short shelf-life, and because of that you are supposed to keep them in the fridge. Well... I always end-up forgetting about it at the back of my fridge after using it once or twice! The little pot they give you as a sample, has enough product for at least two uses!

5- You can freeze fresh face masks and use them as you need. It's the best way to get your money's worth with the face-masks! I usually re-use the sample containers, I split the big pot into a few of the little containers as soon as I get home from the store, and I stick them in the freezer. Than I use whatever was left in the big pot, during the following days. This way I don't waste any product and I always have a face mask on hand, whenever I feel like my skin needs a little something! I try to freeze it right away, to keep all the freshness intact!


  1. I just love that post and those tips. Saving money is definitely my lifestyle, hahahahaha

    Steph • Não é Berlim

  2. Essas dicas são óptimas, e eu por acaso nunca experimentei nada da marca :(

  3. Nunca usei nada da Lush, 2017 vai ser o ano ;)

  4. I love Lush products, their bombs are just amazing! I'm also in love with their handmade soaps. :)
    Have a great weekend!
    Xoxo, Victoria

  5. Uau, parecem-me ótimas dicas, vou definitivamente tê-las em conta da próxima vez que lá for

  6. Não conhecia nada disto! E recentemente tenho tido uma vontade enorme de experimentar estas bolinhas, será que também dão amostras disso? ahah

  7. r: Está tudo bem sim querida, e por ai? Obrigada :)
    Que bom!! Sendo assim acho que um dia destes ainda mando vir alguma coisinha de lá. Beijinhos

  8. I love Lush!
    Do you want to follow each other on GFC? If yes, tell me on my blog and I will follow you back.
    Best wishes, Moni from Glam & Shine

  9. Great tips! Staying beautiful and frugal is the way to go. :D

  10. Quero muito experimentar os produtos da Lush!

  11. I didn't know about the bath bombs loosing their fizz! Good to know. Thanks for all these tips!

    xx, Pia

  12. Sempre quis aproveitar melhor esta marca...
    Obrigada pelas dicas ;)

  13. Nunca usei nada da marca, tenho de experimentar :)

    Beijinhos <3

  14. Nunca experimentei nada da marca

  15. Eu adoro a Lush mas concordo contigo, é um bocadinho carinho!
    Adorei as dicas!! Super úteis mesmo!
    Makeup By Pi

  16. Uhhh! Gostava de experimentar algo da marca!

    R: Na verdade acho que só fico por dependência financeira, nada mais. Sei que parece mau dizer "não gosto dos meus pais", mas a forma como eles me continuam a tratar (como se eu tivesse 5 anos; como se eu fosse um pertence deles - como um objecto ou uma marioneta que eles controlam; e/ou como se eu vivesse para eles) é completamente desgastante. E viver assim ao longo dos anos, principalmente agora que estou finalmente a ganhar consciência disso só vai abrindo novas feridas.. Compreendo o que disseste mas engolir alguns sapos por vezes é o melhor a fazer, mas não sempre...

  17. Ainda não experimentei nada da marca!

  18. Uma marca que não conhecia!
    Para ficar atenta...

  19. Não fazia ideia da maior parte dessas coisas, especialmente de que se pode congelar máscaras faciais. Que truque mais prático!

  20. Não há como não gostar da lush.. podia era ser mais acessível :)
    A seguir
    Beijinho, passa por aqui


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