Thursday, February 23, 2017

Review | Asian Foot Peel Mask from

This blog is also a place to talk about gross things right? Right... A few months ago I've received some peeling foot masks from Dresslink... I was super curious about trying something like this! I'd seen it all over the internet, and I was super excited when I laid my hands on these!

Yes, you red correctly --- peeling foot masks. These masks promise to make old skin magically fall off about a week after you apply the solution. In turn, baby-fresh skin is revealed and all that nasty, dry, dirty, rough and gritty skin is no more!  I have been kinda scared of trying them out. But I finally did it and I'm going to share with you my experience.

I'm not sure I did everything correctly because, you know, everything is in Chinese. But I did my best.

When you open the package, you find inside two plastic socks filled up with some weird liquid. You open these up, you stick your feet in it, put a sock over and you leave it in for around an hour.

The liquid smells like alcohol, or some sort of disinfectant. It doesn't hurt at all, it just feels cold and squishy. You can definitely walk around the house with these on your feet.

During the days after, me feet felt really dry and one week later the skin started to come off! It's crazy! You are not supposed to peel it off -- although it is incredibly satisfying to remove chunks of dead skin from you feet! After a few days all the skin of my feet had fell and they felt amazingly soft! Even the skin around my toes came off! It's strange and amazing at the same time! It took a while for all the skin to fall off, but when it did, my feet felt super nice and smooth!

I did some research: I was worried about what kind of chemicals were in this thing -- the ingredients are all in Chinese! But apparently it's some flesh eating enzymes. Completely harmless and safe! 
I just want to warn you that your feet will be peeling off during a few weeks, so don't do this if you are expecting nice sandals next weekend!


  1. That is so interesting, the effect is great☺

  2. Nunca tinha ouvido falar de tal produto, mas que é interessante lá isso é e fiquei bem curiosa! :)
    O diário da Inês | Facebook | Instagram

  3. Nunca tinha ouvido falar disso
    CantinhoDaSofia /Facebook /Intagram
    Tem post novos todos os dias

  4. Already following your blog! Very interesting article with a honest opinion! Thanks for sharing :) Curious about other posts!
    Mariana Gemelgo

  5. Omg, não conhecia! Parece mesmo fazer um bom trabalho, tenho que experimentar :D
    An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram | Facebook
    Giveaway choker a decorrer

  6. I did one of these-- super cool and freaky at the same time lol

  7. Desconhecia por completo esse produto! Que interessante... Pelo menos tem desenhos para explicar, senão seria um pouco mais complicado.

  8. OMG!i need this, it's so hard to find a FootSpa here in Thailand, because when i search in Internet there is but when i visited the place it's not a spa, it's "Foot Massage" i don't need massage i need a spa. LOL! thanks for sharing this korean product i hope i can find it here ^^

  9. Acho um conceito super interessante!!
    A Tomé.

  10. Não conhecia! Mas quero ver se encontro isso na net para comprar ;)

  11. That's so interesting!! Thanks for sharing! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  12. it has some really good products.
    Have a good weekend

  13. I love doing these--they are gross but it's so fascinating!!

  14. Nunca fiz nada semelhante, mas parece-me muito bom!

  15. Woahhh que estranho! Preciso mesmo de algo assim...isso é ideal como preparativo para os meses de Verão...talvez não aconselhava fazer muitas vezes seguidas. Que produto interessante ;)

    Stephanie's Daily Beauty

  16. Não fazia a menor ideia da existência desse produto, parece super bem!

  17. Unexpected products to try)
    I've never had this brand before!

  18. Já tinha ouvido falar, tenho alguma curiosidade, se bem que não sei se aguento sem arrancar as peles ahahahah

    Dash of Wonder

  19. ADOREI! Achei este post mesmo muito interessante!
    Já segui o blog, é mesmo querido!
    Um grande Beijinho,
    Banal Girl

  20. Desconhecia esse produto! Adorei a tua review :)

    Beijinhos ♥

  21. Oh nunca tinha visto nada do género mas fiquei com vontade de experimentar.

  22. Eu uso umas socas para peeling, mas comprei na sephora! Mas, não me fez isso aos pés!!

  23. Não fazia ideia que isso existia, mas o formato é muito prático e se cumpre o prometido é ótimo :D

  24. Gosto bastante desta reviews caseiras sem grandes produções mas que sabes que as reviews honestas!
    Acho-te corajosa, porque eu não seria capaz encomendar algo pela net em que não soubesse o que as letrinhas significam. Mesmo em português aquilo já parece chinês xD
    Mas se cumpriu o que prometeu acho que é um bom investimento. Especialmente para o verão que andamos de pezinho ao léu ^^


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