Thursday, July 28, 2016

Stuff you can take with you on an air-plain

If you're flying out somewhere this summer, don't forget you need to pay attention to what you take in your bag! If you are taking a small cabin bag, you are very limited with the amount of products -- specially liquids -- you can take with you. I have a couple of tips to help you.

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It is always nice to take eye-drops with you. These from Bepanthene are actually my favorite. Why? Because they in individual droppers. Its extreamly more sanitary! And you can take just a few on your bag, right next to you!
Most products actually come in travel size. I actually prefer buying the travel sizes than the regular sizes because I am never able to use the whole product before the "best used by" date, and I always end up wasting a lot of product. And they are cheaper, and usually come with a nice little cute bag!
Another tip is to take a solid lipstick instead of a liquid one. I had a liquid gloss once, that with the pressure inside the plain just exploded. Everything got super sticky and disgusting! Avoid that please!
Lastly, you know I'm obsessed with solid shampoo. And yep, this is my last tip. Instead of taking with you a bottle of shampoo, take one of these Lush solid shampoo bars, It is so conveniente and easy, and you also won't have that issue with the --possible -- bottle explosion incidentes.


  1. Nice tips!

    Mia x |

  2. Boas dicas ;)

    Eu adoro produtos travel size, para usar não só nas viagens mas também para testá-los antes de comprar o full size.


  3. Tens aqui algumas dicas interessantes. Também já me aconteceu partir um gloss durante o voo mas pensei que tivesse sido descuidada e batido com a mala ou mesmo ao meter nos compartimentos em cima, que vai tudo meio apertado. E vou procurar mais sobre esse champô

    O Meu Dolce Far Niente

  4. I always make sure to pack my liquids properly, one accident was enough!


  5. so a poucos anos e que descubri que faziam miniaturas de produtos e q estes se destinavam para viagens, acho uma ideia engraçado, nunca andei de aviao mas ja tinha ouvido falar dessa limitaçao de quantidades de produtos n percebo e pq

  6. Quando fui a Barcelona comprei em miniatura em vez de meter as coisas dentro de frascos e assim

  7. Gostei das dicas mais uma vez :)

  8. É mesmo. Muito obrigado :)

    Quando fui para Barcelona não levei quase nada com medo que me ficassem com as coisas eheh otimas dicas :)

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  9. great guide what put in bag ;3
    follow4follow? let me know ;3


  10. Excelentes dicas:) Beijinhos


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