This tag is called The Not Homophobic TAG and it's all about respect and equality! Again the questions were in Portuguese, but I've translated them.
1- Do consider yourself homophobic?/Consideras-te homofóbico/a?
No. Of course not! I believe in equality and loving other people, not caring about their gender, color, religion...!
2- Do you have any idol that supports or discriminates LGBT?/ Tens algum ídolo que apoie ou discrimine o movimento LGBT?
I don't know how to answer this question because I think that an "Idol" should be a role-model and not an homophobic figure. So I would never idolatre someone that is like that. I don't really care if someone is gay or not. I don't care. I don't pay attention to that. I believe that people are just people, no matter what their convictions are.
I have to say that I really like Neil Patrick Harris (Barney Stinson from How I met your mother). He is gay, married and has two of the cutest twin kids I've ever seen. I follow him on Instagram and I think he is truly and advocate for the LGBT community
3- Have you ever seen and movie or TV show that talks about homosexuality?/Já viste algum filme ou série que aborde o tema da homossexualidade?
Yep. Of course. think most movies or tv shows approach this topic really often. I'm currently watching "Orange is the new black" and they talk a lot about it.
4-And have you ever seen one that discriminantes gay people?/ E já viste algum que discrimine os gays?
Oh yeah. TV shows like American Dad, The Family Guy, they make jokes, and make fun of gay people all the time. And yeah, I admit, I think most of the jokes are pretty funny. And I know that they are offensive for this community. But the world needs to be able o laugh about our differences. Everybody is different, we all have different believes. This is how I am. I can make fun of myself, of my best friends and not be offended by it. If we were all able to do this, life would be much easier.
5- Do you support gay adoption?/ Apoias a adoção por parte dos casais gays?
I've given a lot of thought into this topic, and I could write a whole post about it.. I am not 100% sure that raising a kid in a "homosexual" environment is good or not. I'm not an expert in pedopsychology or whatever, but I think it is important while we are growing up to have a female and male figure to look up to, to teach us all about life, from their diferente perspectives. I just think it's important. And having an aunt or grandmother is not exactly the same.
BUT... I also think that having a loving and caring family is way better than having no family at all! So for me this is a grey area.
Take not that I am not against it. I just think that it would be better for the kid to grow with a mom and a dad... maybe I'm wrong. But we always need to also see these issues from the perspective of the kids. It's not only the right that homosexuals have to build a family, but also the right that kids have to belong to a family that where fit in and really relate to.
6-What do you think about homophobic people?/ O que achas das pessoas homofóbicas?
I don't like that expression. I don't like to say that someone is homophobic. What does homophobic really means? Someone that is afraid of gay people?! That's a stupid definition. We were all raised with different values. Some of us were raised to accept, some of us were raised to despise. And if we start hating and despising homophobic people, aren't we being just like them? We are hatting someone that believes in something different than we do. It's the same. I believe that our generation and the generations to come are being though how to be more OK with different choices. And this homofobia, as we call it, will eventually disappear. You know, I don't really like all this labels. We are what we are.
Not really. We are all very open to different people. I admit that it makes me slightly uncomfortable to see a gay couple making out in public, and I know that most of my friends feel that way too, but I think that it's because it's something that -- maybe unfortunately -- you don't see every day, and it becomes a spectacle. But I guess we also get uncomfortable when we se a straight couple making out.
8- What would you do if you saw an homophobic friend of your discriminating gay people?/O que farias se visses um amigo homofóbico a discriminar gays?
Well, my group of friends, we have a very dark humor. And we make fun of gay people all the time. Is that discrimination? No, because we also make fun of other people. We make fun of each others all the time. But over all we are very inclusive and we don't fucking care what you label yourself. I have never seen someone not being allowed to do something because he or she is gay -- i know it happens, and i have no idea how to react to a situation like that because for me this is completely surreal.
And in my group of friends, I have two gay guys. That are awesome. And they very well included in the society and I've never ever heard them say that they weren't able to do something because they're gay.
I'm not going to tag anyone, but I invite you all to answer this questions on your blog!
r.: Eu tenho um portfolio, mas mesmo assim é complicado.
ReplyDeleteSim, design gráfico e multimédia. Se eu puder, claro que te ajudo. :D
kiss na cheek
Muito obrigada por teres respondido :) estou tão feliz por o teres feito pois deste umas respostas que gostei muito de ler!
ReplyDeleteTambém já respondi à TAG e adorei!
Mia |
Gostei de ler as tuas respostas (=
ReplyDeleteSó não concordo com a tua resposta ao ponto 5, porque não acho que alguém precise de modelos femininos e masculinos. É óbvio que as crianças devem ser expostas a pessoas com características e personalidades diferentes, mas a dicotomia feminino/masculino está podre. O género é uma construção social e sei que se tivesse um filho ou uma filha não haveria nada exclusivamente "feminino" que pudessem aprender comigo, porque não acredito nisso e as minhas características pessoas não decorrem do meu género.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting post to read. I enjoyed reading your answers. Thanks for sharing them!
ReplyDeleteIf single people can adopt, so can same-gender couples I think. I was raised by a single mother after my father died at age 7. I don't think the Father-Mother thing is as important as most people think.
ReplyDeleteWow, great post!
Como a Nádia frisou, o género é algo sobrevalorizado. O que realmente é feminino e masculino? Diariamente, ouves com frequência pessoas a dizer: «eu sou mesmo muito masculina neste aspecto» ou «sou um pouco feminino no que toca a esta característica». Acho que isto não faz muito sentido, uma vez que a própria sociedade com o passar dos anos decidiu o que era feminino e o que era masculino, mas baseado em quê?
ReplyDeleteUma mãe, além da fisionomia, nada tem que um pai não possa ter e vice-versa.
Aliás, se pensarmos bem no assunto, o que nós precisamos é de bons exemplos, boa educação, o consolo de alguém de quem gostamos ao nosso lado, isso não dita que precisamos de uma mãe E de um pai.
Outro ponto que achei interessante foi o do que achas das pessoas que têm homofobia... Conheço pessoas que não são muito tolerantes a casais do mesmo sexo, porém, se forem discretos na sua opinião e não se meterem com estes casais, tudo bem. Todavia, grande parte dos «homofóbicos» é extra e radicalmente crítica em relação aos gays e, além de ser tristes, são vergonhosas algumas atitudes que têm.
Gostei muito do teus post e fiquei surpreendida, pela positiva, com algumas das tuas respostas ;).
não concordo com a 5! há crianças que crescem sem mãe ou sem pai e não é por isso que deixa de funcionar e trata-se basicamente do mesmo. temos avós, tias/tios, professores... não é por ter só 2 pais ou só 2 mães que vai faltar alguma parte da construção da personalidade! se, em criança, for colocado num infantário, vai estar exposto a várias pessoas diferentes, com diferentes maneiras de ser e isso é que é importante, não é se é uma mulher ou um homem. eu acho... :)
ReplyDeleter: obrigadaaa! :D
Gostei imenso da tag. Acho muito importante abordar este tema. Qualquer dia vou escrever sobre isto =)
ReplyDeleteAdorei as tuas respostas! Um super post, por aqui...
Gostei bastante! :) É importante abordar temas como este! ^^
ReplyDeleteEstou neste momento a responder a esta TaG, e gostei muito das tuas respostas, e concordo ctg com a tua resposta a pergunta numero 5... E claro, que podemos ser mal interpretadas por causa do politicamente correcto, mas e o que eu sinto, apesar de nao ser homofobica e de respeitar as opcoes dos outros, pois cada um e livre de ser o que sente e quando ha Amor de verdade, tudo e possivel :)