Saturday, November 4, 2017 | Makeup Brushes Shopping Guide

I was never too into make up brushes. I have my trusty Beauty Blender that I use and love, and because I never really do any elaborated eye shadow looks, I used to have a couple of eye brushes that honestly I never really used. However, now I've decided to buy some brushes, just to give it a try.

We all know that there are so many makeup brushes, so many brands, and it's not an easy task to know really good brushes that I feel comfortable paying for.
So, there is this website called, and yes, as the name clearly gives it away, it's a website with reviews of everything. I mean, laterally everything. It's super fun to read. Actually since I've discovered it I've been just randomly reading their articles, and it's really fun to find out which is the best robot vacuum cleaner, or the best electric toothbrush on the market. And they give you options according to your budget. They don't just suggest you a super expensive thing that of course is good.

Anyway, they wrote an article about makeup brushes.
They looked at 16 brands, and 70 individual makeup brushes, they tested them out and consulted with makeup artists and they came out with a nice guide to makeup brushes shopping. It's actually fun to read, you should check it out! -- they explain their process and really explain their findings. And at the end they give you 3 options: Top Pick, Best Luxury Brand and Best On a Budget! 

I decided that I wanted to get the Best On a Budget -- from ELF --  because I know I'm not going to use them that often. However, ELF doesn't ship here. That's the only downside... the suggested products may not be sold in your country. And getting it from amazon may make it more expensive... 

But honestly I'm really enjoying this website, and I know a lot if you will like it too! 


  1. I'm also more into beauty blender than makeup brushes but I want to recommend you trying any RT brush because they are amazing! Lovely post! x

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  2. I love Real Techniques brushes! Would love to try some from Elf too, too bad they don't ship here either :/

  3. Great post dear!!
    Have a lovely weekend ♥ xx

  4. Great post, dear. I love brushes ^_^

  5. I have tried the ELF brushes and they are great! =)

    NEW POST ! Best Secret - Private Invitation

  6. Gostei do conceito desse site, vou já espreitar.
    Beijinhos :)

  7. So nice and really interesting post my darling, I love these brushes!

    New post is on my blog.
    Visit me, Maleficent

  8. This is very sueful because I am a huge fan of makeup brushes

  9. os pincéis da real techniques são muito bons! E vou espreitar esse site para ver a opinião de algumas coisas :)

    The Midnight Effect / Instagram

  10. r: Ui, se os preços dos bilhetes de avião se regessem pelo peso que a pessoa tem se calhar era um incentivo para toda a gente ser magra ahahaha

  11. Este site é genial!! Já li algumas criticas que gostei
    R: Fico super contente quando descubro pessoas que também se preocupam com o ambiente <3 <3 <3

  12. Pois... Também já tive pessoas a dizer que não gostavam nada :( Mas também não saberei se não comprar, não é!? :P

    Ótimas dicas!!! Pincéis só tenho 2, por acaso! :P

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  13. Eu já tenho todos os pincéis que poderia precisar, em breve vou precisar de substituir alguns, mas já sei que posso confiar na real techniques e em alguns da Primark :D


  14. Now a days, reviews come up so fast.


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