Thursday, December 20, 2018


Because looks don't last forever, all celebrities try to find other projects where they can get some revenue from. We see this a lot in the USA, celebrities branching out to clothing lines, perfumes, cosmetics, whatever. But here in Portugal the trend seams to revolve more around food --  Portuguese celebrities are opening restaurants. Some go for a more traditional, homey vibe, others for a more sophisticated type of food. And one in particular decided to open an unconventional fast food joint --  The Portuguese actress Rita Pereira felt in love with the Brazilian tapioca crepe Beiju and eventually ventured into opening her own chain of restaurants called Beiju Tapiocaria. Beijo is made from tapioca flower that when spread onto a heated surface melts together creating a dry thin crepe that can be stuffed with whatever you feel like. 

It took me a long time to go try one of her restaurantes. I don't really follow celebrities, so the fact that she is a celebrity and she opened a restaurant wasn't that thrilling at all. In fact, it was a turn down for me -- what does she know about food or running a restaurant?? Besides, I'd already tried tapiocas when I was on holiday in Brazil 10 years ago, so I wasn't that curious. But everybody was so hyped about this that I finally cave in.

Beiju offers both savory and sweet options, but I opted for the one with smoked salmon and cream cheese, a combination that I know it works and that I know I like. The crepe it self taste like nothing. Completely bland. So when you take a bit of the whole thing, you only taste the filling. It's good, but you know, it didn't blew my mind. This is was so average that I can't even find the words to describe it.  The menu costs 8€ and it includes a drink, chips or soup, and coffee. It's the right price for what you are getting and the best part were definitely the sweet-potato chips -- crispy and yummy! 

The best thing about tapioca is that it is extremely low in saturated fat, protein and sodium. So it makes it supper healthy. But also makes it taste like nothing. It's cooked with no fat at all, so all the fat and taste really comes from what you choose to put inside. Perhaps if I'd chosen a sweet one -- with Nutella or something like that -- I would be less disappointed. 

I'll admit that this is a good alternative to the regular fast food places you can usually find at the mall -- it's healthier and lighter. It's a good option as snack, but as a meal I felt like it was not satisfying enough.


  1. Por acaso nunca comi nem sabia que ela tinha restaurante, mas sinceramente pelo que disseste, também não fiquei com vontade de experimentar.

  2. A tapioca, como dizes, pode ser muito boa se lhe pusermos dentro coisas muito boas! :)
    O diário da Inês | Facebook | Instagram

  3. Que legal! adoro tapioca

  4. Até agora só comi tapiocas feitas por mim, em casa, e por acaso gosto bastante! É verdade que a tapioca em si não tem grande sabor, mas recheada fica boa - adoro colocar manteiga de amendoim e banana, por exemplo :P
    Mas salmão e queijo creme também fica muito bem! É pena que tenhas ficado desiludida, mas pronto, valeu pela batata-doce :P

  5. Nunca experimentei, tenho curiosidade, apesar de baixas expetativas pelo que constaste!

  6. Nunca experimentei mas já ouvi dizer tão bem!

    Beijinhos, Catarina | Blog // Instagram // Facebook // Bloglovin’ // Youtube

  7. Tenho bastante curiosidade em experimentar, mas ainda não me aventurei a fazê-lo!

    r: Fui vê-lo na segunda, está tão incrível :D

  8. I love your blog. great post.
    Would you like to follow each other? If the answer is yes, please follow me on my blog & I'll follow you back.

  9. exato, é um bocadinho por aí :)

    nunca experimentei, por acaso :)

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  10. Um santo e feliz Natal para ti!
    Muitos beijinhos no teu coração *

  11. O Natal dos sonhos é aquele que idealizamos no espírito, sentimos no coração e partilhamos na solidariedade! Obrigada pela amizade e carinho nestes meses. Que a magia da noite de Natal transforme os teus sonhos em realidade! FELIZ NATAL <3

  12. Confesso que não sou muito chegada em tapioca, mas fica a dica pra quem gosta.
    Aproveito para lhe desejar um feliz natal e ótimo Ano Novo.
    Big Beijos

  13. Try out Charlie Bistro - it's a Zomato Gold partner. ;)
    And I liked the flavors! :)

  14. Gostava de experimentar!

    Blogue Recanto com Tempero


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