So, three weeks have passed. Pain-wise, is nothing has changed. Same as last week. Oh, but I see A LOT of differences from before. It's working fast! Now my teeth look super weird... I have so much space between them.. It's crazy! And I haven't been to any adjustment appointment yet. I'm so impressed with the development! I'm still almost a month away from my next doctor appointment so yeah.
I think I've never talked about how I'm handling having braces and telling people that I have braces. And one week before having them I was very concerned about what people would say or think.
Generally I don't care about this type of stuff. And I try to overcome this type of thoughts. I try to embrace it --- see what I did there, embrace it, see see? lol.
At first, I didn't told anyone. In fact, the first time I shared that I was doing this was here. And you're good words of support helped me a lot! THANK YOU btw, you guys are awesome! So I told a couple of my closest friends. But when I am going to meet someone -- for work or just a friend -- I get super stressed. I'm like "How am I going to tell him? Should I? Or Should I just not mention it until they do?". What is strange is that I get more embarrassed when it comes to my close friends than to total strangers. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
I almost canceled lunch yesterday with a friend because I was too embraced. I was afraid I was going to get food stuck in my teeth or.. I don't know! I know that we wouldn't make fun of me. I know that. But I was still feeling nervous. I took a deep breath and I went anyway. I decided that I would do what I always do and made make a joke about it -- hey, it's the best way to avoid insecurities for me, okey? -- When I got there I was like "heyy look at my new bling!" And he laugh and made fun of my baby-blue elastics. We also asked me a few questions that usually people ask me and that was it. I was so worried and it was fine. In the first week I tried not to talk that much, but to be honest most people don't even notice that I've gotten braces, if it wasn't for the blue elastics. I have a co-worker that I see every day that only noticed last Monday.
But yeah, I think this meme it totally right, and braces are just another fashion accessory that I have on now...permanently.. Hey, it's better than a tattoo! At least I can change it's colors once in a while :)
How do you battle insecurity?
Passei por uma fase que tinha ataques de ansiedade por tudo e por nada. Especialmente quando ia encontrar alguém, amigo ou não, revia na minha cabeça tudo oque podia correr mal e embaraçar-me. Felizmente passou e hoje, mais velha e equilibrada, tento aceitar aquilo que me deixa insegura e transformar em algo positivo.
ReplyDeleteQuanto a ti tens de pensar que são apenas alguns meses e depois ficas com um sorriso de um milhão!
Ainda bem que está a resultar.
ReplyDeleteSei bem o que isso é. Estou com aparelho há dois meses e só pensava "oh meu deus, tenho de almoçar com outras pessoas. Que vergonha!". Mas isso passa, porque te vais habituar ao aparelho. Ele está lá, não há nada a fazer e a tua boca vai habituar-se À sua presença de tal maneira que só te vais lembrar dele quando fores ao espelho. Eu nao gosto de me ver com aparelho, e raramente sorrio numa foto. Mas também confesso que já dou gargalhadas sem tapar a boca - algo que achava impensável no primeiro mês. A insegurança será diferente de pessoa para pessoa... Mas vais certamente habituar-te :) E vale a pena o sacrifício, nunca te esqueças disso!
ReplyDeleteNunca tive aparelho por isso não sei como é esse sentimento mas pensa que depois vais ter um sorriso m-a-r-a-v-i-l-h-o-s-o de fazer inveja! x
ReplyDeleteÉ muito complicado infelizmente sei bem o que é isso
ReplyDeleteJá usei aparelho e não gostava de sorrir com ele...é estranho, mas temos que aceitar...:)
Eu vou saber como é usar esses amiguinhos para o ano! I can't wait...
ReplyDeleteMuito obrigada pela sua visita.
Pelo que pude perceber está a usar aparelho nos dentes,
não é? Realmente deve ser incomodativo. Agora é ter
paciência e aguentar com coragem. :)
Nunca tive essa experiência, mas pensa no resultado final e pensa positivo.
ReplyDeleteBeijinho :)