Friday, January 29, 2016

Mini Continente Haul -- Toiletries with 50% off

I'm a frugal person. I don't spend money on things I don't need or I don't like. And I am always waiting for things to get on sale. But I hate going shopping on like big sale days -- when everything is on sale, like Black Friday or just sales season. I can't stand how much people are in the stores, all the noise and confusion. I don't like it at all.
Anyway, Continente is having 50% of in many toiletry products. I saw it online and I knew exactly what I wanted and how many I wanted. So I went to get this stuff -- You can see it in the picture... It was 10.30 am, however the products were already almost gone! For example, the L'Oréal face-wash, there was only one unit left. And of course I grabed it immediately. The deodorant, this is my favorite and I guess a lot of people likes it too, because the shelf was almost empty. The same with the floss!

If you want to get any of this stuff that's on sale hurry the crap up!


  1. já usei esse gel de limpeza e adorei.
    Não sabia da promoção do continente, tenho de lá ir =)

  2. Bons produtos que aí tens:)

  3. Tenho esse gel de limpeza e gosto muito!

  4. Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  5. Looks like some great bargains! I love shopping in the sales :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | (doing follow for follow on bloglovin or instagram)

  6. Há que aproveitar quando está em saldos, e logo produtos de higiene e cosmética.
    Eu também não gosto de gastar em coisas desnecessárias, e penso duas vezes em comprar uma coisa que goste (e mesmo assim tem de estar em saldos).
    ~ Carla'C

    Coisinhas da Carla'C
    Facebook | Instagram

  7. Tem de se aproveitar, também costumo aproveitar esses descontos em cartão ou então os super preços do continente que a redução de preço é imediata :).

  8. Great haul dear! xx

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