Monday, August 20, 2018

My Life | Turning around

Last week I went to my firs ever nutrition consultation. I know that my eating habits are not the best... but I decided that it was time to go and find out exactly how bad it was...

About a year ago, I was in a really bad, toxic, weird, relationship. And I was always so sad and depressed that I couldn't eat and when I could I wasn't able to keep food down. Last November I was weighting 48 kg (and I'm 1.60m). I was definitely too thin. I had zero energy, I was always tired.
But as soon as I turned around, and I started to feel better about my self, I regained my appetite and my weight went up.

Now I'm 56kg and I'm comfortable with this weight. I have curves, I feel sexy and really good about my self. However, I feel like I lost a lot of muscle during my depression phase, and I have been feeling super flubbery. So a few months ago I decided to join a gym. It took me a while to add the gym to my routine. I think that for the first two months I went twice. But than I set my mind and I decided that I had to start going and now I'm loving going to the gym. I've been going at least twice a week -- ON WEEKENDS EVEN! 

The nutritionist was super sweet and nice with me. She asked me why I decided to go to the appointment, and what was my overall goal. She made me go on the scale and took some measurements like my weight, % of fat, basal metabolism, etc. And she started to create my meal plan. I told her that I’m busy and that I don’t have time for a lot of meal prep and that usually I only eat the 3 main meals of the day. She asked me to describe what I normally eat in a day and created my meal plan around it. It’s a simple meal plan that I’m sure I’ll be able to follow.

My goal is to go from 56 kg to 54 kg and to lower my percentage of body fat from 28% to somewhere under 25%, in the next two months. I have no idea if this is going to be difficult or easy because it’s the first time I’m doing something like this. But I’ll do my best! Wish me luck!


  1. I went to the same process. Sort off... Now i feel fine, but in the past i had some really bad eating habits.. emocional Ups and down.. you name it... :/

    Now i have a gym rotine either! :) I'm sure it Will be fantastic for you!!

    Best of luck! ❤

  2. Good luck girl! The most important thing is that you feel good about yourself <3

    Blog Catarina Morais // Instagram // Facebook

  3. Boa sorte! É sempre bom ter uma nutricionista que ajuste o plano às rotinas de uma pessoa, nem todas fazem isso e torna a adesão muito mais fácil :)

  4. I am so proud of you for gaining back the weight and for making the decision to become healthier as well. I am also at that point where I have literally gained about 16 kg in the last two to three years and I am extremely uncomfortable with my body sometimes, but I am learning to love my curves. I do think I could benefit from what you have done so I can feel healthier again.

    All the best with the new routine.

  5. O mais importante é que te sintas bem contigo mesma (sempre!!!)
    Fico feliz por ti, por estares a cuidar de ti!
    Eu cá já me inscrevi num ginásio, mas não durei lá mais que um mês (ups!)
    Muita boa sorte minha querida ♥

  6. I think it's amazing that you are so honest and open about everything you have been through. You are such an inspiration for working hard and focusing on health.

  7. Boa, boa :)

    Sei bem o que é isso, até porque já passei pelo mesmo :)
    Vai partilhando tudo por aqui!

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  8. Weight changes can be very stressful. It is true that we loose our muscles when we lose weight suddenly. It is good you were able to gain weight and that you're now working on being more fit. I think the important thing is not too stress too much about our weight but at the same time we should try to develop good eating habits.

    I have Chron's disease and on a few occasions I lost as much as 10- 20 kilos.... It's been really stressful (and painful, it's a horrible disease) but learning about nutrition and working out has made me feel better.

  9. Healthy diet is really important, keeping my fingers crossed for you ☺

  10. Eu passei pelo contrário em vez de emagrecer, engordei com uma antiga relação, e ando a tentar voltar ao normal.

    All We Need Is... | Facebook | Instagram

  11. The most important thing is that you feel good about yourself!

  12. Fico contente por te estares mais confiante. Quanto aos teus objetivos, you can do it girl!

  13. Força nisso!!! Aproveita o Verão para comer muita frutinha :) E relaxa que é o que faz melhor!


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