Wednesday, February 20, 2019

RANT | HBO Portugal

Finally FINALLY we have HBO in Portugal. And oh my god I've waited for this for a really long time.

HBO is a streaming service, much like Netflix, that produces a bunch of movies, documentaries, and tv-shows. Yes, the one where Game of Thrones, Westworld, and Sex and The City come from. Ever wonder why these shows aren't on Netflix? Well, it's because they belong to the competition. HBO works exactly the same way as Netflix does -- it's pretty much the same thing, actually. The price is 4.99€/month, and the first month is free. You can add up to 5 devices to your account but you can only watch on two screens at the same time -- which is actually better than the cheapest Netflix option! They claim to have 4500 movies and shows, including Game of Thrones, True Detective, Westworld, and the 90's classics The Sopranos and Sex and The City -- which I am dying to re-watch. 

And yes, the last season of Game of Thrones will be available on the Portuguese App at the exact same time as it is in the US, so no more spoilers and no more having to wait for the next day to see the new episode!

Sounds too good to be true? Well in fact, it is... But only if you are an iOS user. They don't have any app available on the App Store for iPad or iPhone and it is not possible to see the contents on the website trough safari -- if you try to open any content, it says that you need too download the app -- that doesn't exist -- and it has a link that does nothing. So yeah. So much hype for nothing. They even had an awesome lunch-party, with a bunch of famous people -- that probably all own iPhones and that can't see their contents -- ironic much? -- From what they say on their website they don't give you the possibility to watch on an iOS mobile device -- only android. I wanted to subscribe but now I won't because I am always on the go and I like to watch stuff on my iPhone. I subscribed anyway, and Ive been watching on my laptop. But if they don't come up soon with an app for iOS I will just stick with Netflix.


  1. Eu subscrevi porque normalmente vejo na Playstation e estou a gostar. Mas tenho iPhone e isso é uma grande pain in the ass!


  2. Boas notícia sem dúvida, a HBO produz séries muito boas :)

  3. In the USA it's 14.99 dollar which is about 13.21 euros. You'll got a deal there.

    Game of Thrones is amazing.

  4. Oh, that is so frustrating that you can't really watch stuff on the go! It sounded like a great deal otherwise.

  5. I'm waiting for the season to end. And then I watch all the series))

  6. ai meu deus agora percebo! pensava que era só a Vodafone com o pacote! afinal é a HBO também?? =O meu game of thrones!?!!! obrigado pelo post!

  7. Olá
    Isso para mim não é uma grande novidade porque eu não ligo nada a séries de televisão!!

  8. Está lentamente a evoluir para streamming services... e a seguir vai ser a Disney (que foi para onde foram as séries todas da Marvel)

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  9. Já tinha visto publicidades desse serviço, mas não conhecia.
    Adorei saber que já temos disponível em Portugal e a um preço até bacano :)
    Basta é saber se valerá a pena...

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  10. Vi vários post's sobre isso pelas redes sociais. Mas visto que nem sou fã de Netflix, acho que este me passará também ao lado ahah

  11. mesmo :D

    não conheciaaaa *rolling eyes*
    sou um zero no que toca a cenas relacionadas com cinema, séries e afins -.- tenho muito de mudar isso!

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  12. We don't have this option channel in Italy, but maybe we will soon, it is good to know more ;)

  13. Bommm já sei onde vou ver GOT!Beijinho <3



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