Monday, November 30, 2015

Black weekend madness

I didn't had time to enjoy this year's back friday. Actually I think we should call it black weekend because most of the stores were extending the sales during the weekend. Anyway, I had to work, so I was home alll weekend. And I did not had time -- nor patience -- to go shopping.
Let's face it, most of the stores that were having like 20% off, wore not worth the trouble. Most of them are relatively cheap and actually they are always having promos and mini-sales. And I hate --really really hate-- to be in a fucking full store. You can't move, usually people smell bad because it's too hot and it's way too loud for me. I rather have a good and smooth shopping experience than to save 20%. The only thing that would be worth it, it would be electronics or appliances. But now I don't really need or want anything...

In the USA usually the sales go up to 60-70% and that is totally different. But still, is it worth having to - literally - fight and endure all that shit?

I hope you had a great weekend - either you spent it shopping or not!
Happy Monday!


  1. Now every store makes the black friday!

  2. I didn't have a change to go, but I've heard that today is Cyber monday....
    Kiss ;)

  3. I don't like shopping either, especially when it comes to shopping for clothes....I hate malls and crowded places. I feel better in smaller shops.....anyway....fortunately, there is always the internet:)

  4. Eu aproveitei para comprar peixe mais barato num grande hipermercado. Quanto ao resto, não tive paciência,

  5. Verdade, nada justifica a loucura muito menos saldos de 20%!!!

  6. Também não me meti nisso, se já costuma haver imensa gente nos centros comerciais então nestes dias ainda pior!!
    r: Olha que é uma boa ideia ahah, mais um valor fazia toda a diferença!
    Muito obrigada pela força querida, quanto ao exame eu não sei mesmo o que fazer. Se for em primeiro acaba por ser menos stressante e mete menos pressão mas se for em segundo tenho a vantagem de já saber qual o percurso que vou fazer :/

  7. Por enquanto acho preferível guardar o dinheiro para os saldos a sério :)

  8. Nossa! Também trabalhei e nem estava afim de comprar nada, crise. rs
    Mas aqui no Brasil é tudo fraude, nada barato... Triste né, mas fazer o que! Realidade...

    Beijos, fique com Deus

  9. Eu também só aproveitei descontos online. Passo bem sem confusões :)


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