So today is the last day of the year. And looking back I can definitely say that 2016 was just a crazy year . Not only for me, but for the world it self! So many unusual things happened. So many sad things, so many funny things... But I think overall I can't complain.
I wanted to thank you all for being apart of my year, and I'm hoping to keep seeing you around in the next one.
What are you guys doing for NYE? I'll be spending the night with my BF at a family gathering.
I hope you all have an awesome fun evening ;)
My Life
New In My Closet
Stuck In My Head
My Week
Must Watch
Quick Tips
Weird Habits
Healthy Habits
This or That
What Really Grinds My Gears
BlindBag Madness
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
What I Got For Christmas | 2016
Although I still feel, think and act like a kid, I'm not. I'm a grown ass women, with a nice job, that can afford pretty much whatever I want, whenever I need it. This year was no different. I didn't knew what to ask for. Around Christmas -- while I'm Christmas Shopping -- I often buy gifts for my self too. This year I splurged a bit, and bought my self an iPhone!
I've also received a cute Pandora ring from my parents, that I'm loving so so much!
And this fluffy unicorn poncho to sleep in and walk around the house! Yes, it has ears and a yellow horn! And it's winking ;) It's so comfy and warm! I love it :)
Besides these, I've also gotten some money and chocolates -- that I can't eat at all because of my stupid allergy!
And you? What did Santa left for you under the tree?
| 2015 |
Friday, December 23, 2016
My Christmas is ruined
I don't know if I've ever told you, but a few years ago I accidentally discovered that I'm slightly allergic to chocolate. My uncle went to south-america and brought me toasted cacao beans, that I ate. And that made me go into the hospital with a closed thought. I made allergy tests and I found out that I am allergic to chocolate. But usually I need to eat a lot of really dark chocolate to have any sort of reaction.
But in the last two weeks I've been extra sensitive -- every time I eat anything with chocolate I get rashes all over my body. Yesterday I ate an Oreo and imminently got a bunch of red spots on my stomach! How am I going to survive Christmas without being able to each chocolate?!
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Friday, December 16, 2016
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Christmas | Shower Goodies Wishlist
You know that I love shower goodies right? I mean, if you don't know what to get me for Christmas, you can always get me something like a nice smelling body-wash and I guarantee you that I'll be the happiest girl on earth. I've been really obsessed with things with lavender, I really love the calming, warm smell of lavender!
And yes, I kinda need a green-mint duck-y in my shower, to keep me company of course.
And to play when I'm bored.
-- Please be nice and supportive and click on at least one of the pictures! I'd do the same for you. Thank you! --
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Stuck In My Head | Instant Crush
"And we will never be alone again
'Cause it doesn't happen everyday"
I've told you before that I really really like Julian Casablancas, right? He's my bae.
I'm obsessed with this song.
Friday, December 9, 2016
New In My Closet | Peluci Shoes
-- Just because wearing boots every day is not socially acceptable; Made in Portugal and extremely comfortable. And cute. And slightly shimmery --
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Christmas | Decor
Christmas is not Christmas without cute decorations.
I've been really into non-conventional Christmas decorations. I tend to stay away form the tradicional Christmas tree, and traditional Christmas colors. I'm really into greys and soft colors lately, and I think these very simple, cute decorations would be perfect for my life.
-- Please be nice and supportive and click on at least one of the pictures! I'd do the same for you. Thank you! --
Monday, December 5, 2016
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Hero Pouches | Breakfast on the go
Have you noticed that since I've stared this new job, I've been busy AF?
I thought I was a busy person before, but I was so wrong. I spend 15 hours a day on my office -- no joke. And I try to sleep as much time as possible. There for, most of the day I end up skipping breakfast. I just have a bucket of coffee, and that's it. This is a really bad habit, I know. Normally I like to have cereals in the morning. But since I often choose to sleep 15 more minutes instead of having a proper breakfast, don't have time to do that anymore. I even started to take cereal-bars with me to eat in the subway. But then, I found out about these pouches!
-- Please be nice and supportive and click on at least one of the pictures! I'd do the same for you. Thank you! --
These are so easy to carry around! And the best thing is that it has milk and it doesn't need to be stored in the cold!
I have to admit, I was super scared of caring these in my backpack -- the thought of one of these burst and flood my computer is extremely scary! But it turns out these little things are stronger than they appear! They taste soo good : my favorite one is the Muesli with chocolate! It's chocolaty enough, without being too sweet. I really really like it.
You should definitely try these. I promise you'll not be disappointed.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Tips&Tricks | How to fix a tired face
Since I've changed jobs, I've been working a lot. I only sleep five or six hours a day, and yes of course I look like a zombie every morning. So I've came up with a small, simple and quick, routine so get rid of my super dark eyes bags!
The trick is to tackle public enemy number one : the puffiness. Cold water, cold cucumbers, cold towels. any of these work. Some people even keep a couple of spoons in the freezer and use it to de-puff their under eyes.
I start my routine by washing my face with some cold water -- it's hard in the morning, I know, but trust me it works. I've been using a face wash from Kiehl's, pretty fancy and expensive, but it's AMAZING. After that, usually I moisturize my face and I head up to the kitchen. In side my freezer, I have some cheap power puffs that I'v bought online. And while I wait for my coffee to be ready, I putt them on my eyes for maybe 30 seconds. And it really helps me looking fresh as a daisy!
On really bad bad days -- like the nights were I only sleep two hours and I have really dark circles -- I use a little bit of concealer and blush to make me look less like a zombie. No foundation tho, no one's got time for that!
How do you deal with your zombie face?
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Must Watch | Haters Back Off
I just bench-watch all 8 episodes of Haters Back Off. I've really liked Miranda Sings for a while, and I really like the girl that brings her to live -- Colleen Ballinger. This girl has such a will power, she is so strong and hard worker!
The show is awesome. I cried like a baby on the last episode. I hope there's more to come!
The show is awesome. I cried like a baby on the last episode. I hope there's more to come!
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
Christmas | Advent Calendars
When I was a kid, every Christmas, my mom used to get me an Advent Calendar -- you know, the ones with tiny chocolates for each day! I used to love that! Every night, after dinner I used to pop the little door and eat that tiny baby chocolate! It was awesome! I few years ago, I've picked back this tradition. In the past years, I've gotten some really cool ones, with expensive chocolates or candy. But now there are super cute and awesome Advent Calendars! The Lego ones look like so much fun -- I'm thinking about getting one of those this year!
-- Please be nice and supportive and click on at least one of the pictures! I'd do the same for you. Thank you! --
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
My Life | Fuck
I can't believe this happened.
It's my fault. I know.
I knew better. I knew that I shouldn't let anything happen in the first place.
And the worst part is that last Friday he asked me to be his girlfriend.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend? Forever" That's what he said. At first I said no. And that if I get close to him eventually I'm going to get hurt. I'm not that stupid. But he insisted, and I ended up saying yes.
Yesterday, he got super jealous about something super stupid. And gave me a super nasty excuse about why he wasn't going to take the subway with me like we do everyday. I texted him later, he didn't answer.
And this morning -- he is late for work. He's only late when he sleeps with a girl. I know what. I texted him asking if everything was OK. No answer.
Well, fuck. We didn't even last a week.
Monday, November 14, 2016
INBOX | Dresslink goodies
I think I have a problem with all these online Asian stores that have all the things you can imagine in the world. I love expensive stuff, but I also love super cheap-y things, that look nice, and that I can wear, get dirty and used-up without feeling guilty. I made a small order from Dresslink and I'm in love with what I got.
This small black messenger bag is now my favorite bag ever. I use it every day -- it's small enough to keep it in my laptop backpack during the day, but big enough for me to carry my wallet, phone and keys for when I go out for lunch or a drink. And it looks way more expensive than it was! I love it so much!
I also got a KJ lippy. It's a fake, yeah. But I have to be honest, it works really well. It's super matte, it lasts hours and the color is super nice. I have no idea how it compares to the real deal, but I am so happy with it!
I also got a bunch of feet masks. These are supposed to work as the super famous "baby-feet" masks! What they are supposed to do is to make all your feet dead skin fall off, making your feet perfectly smooth! I haven't tried them yet TBH. Mostly because I haven't got the time, but also I'm a little bit scared. But I am going to do it and I'm going to show you all the progress, I swear!
The last thing I got -- and that to be honest it was a little bit disappointing -- was this mint green shoulder bag. When I saw it online I truly though this was bag -- I love the shape and the color, and it was the item that I was more excited about! But it turns out that this is more like a cosmetics bag. Although it has a place to add some straps, it didn't came with any. The lining looks really cheap and I don't really like it.
Just one last thing -- Once again I had a lot of problems with custom authorities. This package was stuck for maybe two months, and when I got it, I noticed that it had been opened (w/o my authorization or knowledge) and this really sucks. For me this is really the only issue with these online stores. I hate having to deal with all these bureaucratic issues. Argh.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
New In My Closet | Mango
-- I have a problem with Mango. Every-time I go there, I just want to buy everything. And I don't know why, but I've been really into grey. --
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Review | CHANEL Le Vernis Nail Colour 533 April
If you ask me if I think high-end and luxury products are worth the money, I'm going to say Hell yes. I grew up with my mom always having Chanel, Dior, Givenchy make up and skin care products. So whenever I want to buy something high quality, that I know it's going to last and give me a sense of luxury I always go towards one of these brands.
A few months ago I bought this amazing nail polish. Lets just say that it was not cheap! But I just hate cheap nail polishes. You know those Cliché ones, that cost 1€ and that everyone loves? Well, I hate them! I have to put on multiple coats to make it opaque, and after two days my nails are already all chipped. And I don't have the patience or time to be re-doing them all the time. So for me that's a waste of money!
But this Chanel Nail Polish is really nice and easy to apply. It has a double cap -- the big square cap comes of, and underneath you have a small cap that you can perfectly fit in you hand, so you can better control the brush. The handle of the brush is small and the brush it self, is not very large, or wide. I like these features, since I'm actually not that good at doing my nails, and a short handle and brush gives me more precision. Oh and let's not forget the packaging. I love simple, sleek, packaging, and Chanel really nails it -- no pun intended.
The polish is very creamy but very fluid at the same time. And one coat is enough to have a full opaque coverage. The color is just so beautiful. Personally I prefer reds and pink shades on my nails -- I think that's what looks more faltering on my skin tone. And this color is really nice. And I feel like it's a good color for both Autumn and Spring! I always apply a glossy taco top coat -- comment bellow if you got the reference ahah -- and it lasts one week perfectly without chipping! It has been my go-to nail polish ever since I bought it and I'm think about getting another color. I really like it.
Have you ever tried any Chanel make up or skin care products? What do you think about it? Is the extra money worth for you too?
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Friday, November 4, 2016
Stuck In My Head | Toothbrush
This song kinda defines my love life right now.
I'm not sure if I want to leave my toothbrush at his place.
Stuck in a limbo
Half hypnotized
Each time I let you stay the night, stay the night
Up in the morning
Tangled in sheets
We play the moment on repeat, on repeat
I'm not sure if I want to leave my toothbrush at his place.
Stuck in a limbo
Half hypnotized
Each time I let you stay the night, stay the night
Up in the morning
Tangled in sheets
We play the moment on repeat, on repeat
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Review | Nivea BB Cream 5 in 1
When it comes to BB creams I am very picky, I don't like to wear foundation on a daily basis, but I somedays I really need some color on my face. So for me a BB cream needs to fill a few requirements: It needs to be light on the skin, not greasy, it needs to set properly and it shouldn't be too orange. And when we are talking about drugstore BB creams, these requirements are easily not met.
I've tried a lot of different ones, and I think this Nivea one is pretty good.
The first thing that I have to point out is that this product comes in a closed box, wrapped with plastic, which is not normal at all for drugstore stuff. I like that. I love the simplicity of the tube and the packaging.
I chose the medium ton, which is OK for me. It's not a perfect match, but I can work with that. It oxidizes a little bit on the face, but not too much. It smells really good -- well, it has that typical Nivea smell that it is impossible not to love. It applies very smoothly, both with hands and with a Beauty Blender, however when I tried to apply it with a brush, it was a little bit stricky. It is definitely a very light coverage, but it really evens out the skin tone.
But how does it feel on the skin, during the day? Well, it's fair enough. I'm not saying that it's like you are not wearing anything. But it's light. I don't mind it. But you need to be careful if you have any oily zones. It may look weird. I always powder my t-zone to try to avoid oiliness and creasing. If you layer it with a concealer you may be able to cover some zits or acne scars, but this is very light coverage.

Monday, October 31, 2016
New In My Closet | Adidas
-- No, I din't get some Stan Smith or Superstar. Everybody have the same ones, and I hate that. And I don't really like all white shoes. --
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Empties #09 | Lushy Lush
I haven't done an empties post in a while. And I feel like I always say this. But I use my products all the way up to the last drop. I don't like to waste stuff, okey? And I'm also always sad about finishing my products, because I only buy products that I know I'm most likely going to like!

- LUSH Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub. This body scrub is my favorite thing in the world. It is so good. It smells like a mojito -- alcohol and limes. It's so good. But it's so so so expensive. And since I'm a compulsive scrubber,I avoid buying it, because I just use it all in one week. You need to try this to see how awesome it is. Will I repurchase it? OMG YES.

- MYLABLE Anti Celulite Gel. I really enjoyed using this product. For real. It was cheap and I found it to be actually effective. However, the smell was kinda of weird. I wrote a full review about it! This was the first and only product that I've tried with an Anti Celulite purpose. And I was impressed. And since this brand is a cheap brand, I think I'd like to try another brand. Will I repurchase it? Maybe.
- NEUTROGENA T-Gel Shampoo. I love the smell of this shampoo. It smells like lavender. It's super good. And besides my Lush shampoo, this is the only other thing that touches my hair. It's just amazing, specially if you have a sensitive scalp or dandruff. It's awesome.Will I repurchase it? Yep Yep.
- COLGATE Total Original (mini). This is my favorite toothpaste. Besides Paradontax, which is great, but expensive AF. And I can buy this small tubes, that are perfect to carry around. This is now an essential in my life! Will I repurchase it? Oh yeah.
- LUSH Mint Julips Lip Scrub. My obsession with Lush products is something that is never going to go away. And this lip scrub is amazing. It taste like mint chocolates, it's so good! But what I really love about it is that this is literally just sugar you rub all over your lips, and that you can eat afterwards. I also have a review about it. I love it. Will I repurchase it? Yeeees.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Weird Habits | Armpit scrubing
I've fallen into the habit of scrubbing my armpits. It helps remove dead skin, avoiding the proliferation of bacteria, keeping odors at bay!
I know it's pretty weird, but considering I'm obsessed with exfoliation and slightly germophobic, you probably could see this one coming no?
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Asbestos &
If you've been here for while, you probably know that I'm into a natural products. I like to know what is going into my body -- even though sometimes I know that things aren't that good for me.
But one of the things that really concernes me the most is asbestos -- amainto, in portuguese. You've probably heard of it. But the truth is that we can be severely exposed to this and we may not even realize. It's in the roofs of your houses, our offices, our schools! It's something that you cannot really avoid, because most of the times you don't even know it's there. Asbestos causes cancer. And you know how fucked up that can be.
Thankfully there are a few organizations that help people affected by this. Mesothelioma Treatment Community or is dedicated to the assistance and guidance of asbestos and mesothelioma victims around the world. They exist to inspire hope during these unbearable times as they strive to provide palliative care and comprehensive information through their website, resources, and educational videos. These resources are designed to help guide patients and their loved ones toward the answers and support they need to improve their quality of life, prognosis, and life expectancy. They are the ONLY Volunteer Mesothelioma Website in the United States.
For me, these organizations are really important. Specially in the US, where healthcare is too expensive, and insurances don't really cover everything. And I'm sure that they would really appreciate if we could all help share their message and mission, and awareness on the dangers of asbestos.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Stuck In My Head | Shine On You Crazy Diamond
This song has so much meaning for me. It touches my soul. It gives me the chills!
" Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom,
Blown on the steel breeze. "
Monday, October 17, 2016
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Review | CLONE Solid Shamppo + Mini Rant
Today I'm going to talk to you about a brand that is quite new to me... And I bet you haven't heard about it ether!
CLONE by Ana is a Portuguese brand, that sells all natural soaps, perfumes, bath bombs and shower stuff. And they have a lot of stores all over the country, but mainly on the northern cities. It's basically the same concept as Lush.
A few weeks ago, I ran out of shampoo -- Usually I use Lush NEW Shampoo Bar -- and I was talking to a friend about it and she told me about this store and that she had bought a soap that had a sponge inside. It sounded super cool, and it got me so curious that I went to visit the store.
I ended up buying a shampoo bar, that smells super good. But that's the only thing I know about this green shampoo bar. I don't know the ingredients, or what is it good for. They had other options but the girl that worked there didn't really knew the difference. It's a really nice shampoo, I'll give you that. And hey, it's a Portuguese brand, and I like to support nacional brands!
A few weeks ago, I ran out of shampoo -- Usually I use Lush NEW Shampoo Bar -- and I was talking to a friend about it and she told me about this store and that she had bought a soap that had a sponge inside. It sounded super cool, and it got me so curious that I went to visit the store.
I ended up buying a shampoo bar, that smells super good. But that's the only thing I know about this green shampoo bar. I don't know the ingredients, or what is it good for. They had other options but the girl that worked there didn't really knew the difference. It's a really nice shampoo, I'll give you that. And hey, it's a Portuguese brand, and I like to support nacional brands!
This shampoo lathers really nicely and I just need to rub it a few times to have enough foam to wash my hair. It smells like super nice. Like fresh, clean laundry. It's super good! I was impressed.
So I went back to that same store. The other time the girl told me that they have some argon oil soap that's super moisturizing and that is super good. And I wanted to buy a gift for my mom so I was thinking about getting that. So there I was in store, smelling all the super nice smelling soaps, when I noticed that a few of them had a little tag with ingredients and some other information. And there it was clearly written: Made in Spain. WTF. I was super disappointed when I saw this. I mean, there I was happy to support this brand, excited that I had found a Portuguese brand that I am actually enjoying, and that I could endorse, and their products are not even made in Portugal. By the name, I was picturing a lady named Ana making and selling soap on her free time, whose brand grew and grew...
I asked the lady and she said that they are in fact made in Spain and that they only re-sell them.
I asked the lady and she said that they are in fact made in Spain and that they only re-sell them.
This was kind of disappointing. I mean, it's not even cheaper than Lush, Lush has more variety and their staff can actually help you. This doesn't mean that I will stop spending my money there, But for me costumer experience is really important for me. And to if am giving my money to a brand, that's not truly a Portuguese brand, I rather give my money to a vegan, cruelty-free brand, who's values I believe in.
Friday, October 7, 2016
The new era of catalogue shopping |
Catalogue shopping was something super popular back in the 90's. But it's something that is really coming back, but in a online format! Companies like La Redoute, or SimplyBe are super famous and still sell a lot of things. They used to have a huge catalog in paper, that you could flip thought and see the most amazing things. remember that? They had a lot of different things. You can really just buy anything thought a catalog, really. But some catalogs are better to buy somethings than others. For example, you would buy an electronic thingy from La Redoute, right?
But the real question is how to know what catalog to use to buy what?
Well, there are a cool website called that can help you with that.
Let's say we want to buy some new clothes... well we need some catalogues for women cloths right? Which one should we choose, there a lot of them...? Well, of course it depends on what type of cloths we are looking for! We can use catalogues247, search for women clothes and see the options that apear. And when you chose any of this options, they show you the top 3 rated catalogs for this category! And You just choose one of them, click and you are re-directed to that website!
Isn't this awesome? I mean, if you like to shop online, this is just perfect for you. And you know what? It's free. You don't need to subscribe anything, or to create an account to use this service. Is completely free and openly available to you!
Visit their website, and try this for yourself! I know you are going to love it!
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Tips & Tricks | 5 Tips on how make cheap cloths look expensive
When I step out of the house, wearing something that I love, I know that my confidence will be through the roof f that day. And although I would love to buy only nice and expensive cloths, that's just impossible for me. So I've got some tips to share with you, really cheap ways to make cheap cloths look expensive! I've been trying to not spend a lot of money, I've been thing to me more minimalist and more contained. So I've been trying to make the most of what I already have.
1- The perfect white tee. This is a basic and super underrated essential. A simple nice t-shirt, that you can buy on Primark for like 7 euros. And the trick to make it look expensive is the styling. I like to roll the sleeves a little bit and wear it under a nice leather jacket.
2 - Statement Jewelry. Big nice necklaces can really transform an outfit. You can put it on top of the white tee, make it a little bit more fun, or to tuck it underneath of your plain white button down shirt, and make that professional look much more stylish! But be careful when choosing your jewelry. You don't want to get anything plastic-y, with loose gems or that looks to cheap..
3- Simple and classic makeup. Eyeliner and lipstick can really make any look feel more expensive. But for me only thee shades of lipstick work for this : pink, red or nude. And s little bit of liquid liner. I thing doing a full on wing is a bit to much, and it kinda pulls away from the elegant, expensive look that I like. So usually I just add a little line of liner, super close to my top lashes.
4 - Get your cloths tailored. A well fitted garment always look super nice and expensive. Try to get your cloths tailored to fit you perfectly. This makes all the diference.
5 - Keep it simple. Try not to use shirts or t-shirts with big prints, or words or just weird stuff on it. Low quality stuff tends to lose color in the prints, or the words start to crack, and that looks awful.Try to buy classic small patterns or prints.
I hope you enjoyed my tips, and of course, let me know in comments what do you do to try and make your outfits feel more fancy and expensive! I'm always looking for this type of tips!
Friday, September 30, 2016
How to find the PERFECT internet provider | StudentBroadband
If you are a collage student, and you are away from home, living on your own, you may only need broadband for part of the year - especially if you return to your parents home during the summer months.
Sometimes it can be particularly daunting to find a provider that allow you to have a short-term contract that allows you to cancel it by the end of the school year. is a company that is specialized in finding the best short term contacts thus allowing you to compare multiple relevante providers.
Taking into account your internet preferences -- if you want more mobile data, or fiber, or more download speed -- they help you find the package that fits your requests the best, within your budget. It allows you to compare the diferente offers, helping you find the best deals! And it's always a 9 month short-term contract, so you don't have to deal with all the nastiness of cancel the contract at the end of the year, when all you want to do is relax and party!
This is such an awesome system, and for someone like that that has lived for short times in different countries, it's a dream! I only wish this was available worldwide! I really think this is super useful, because there are so many different providers, and so many different options that it is super hard and time-consuming to find out what's the best option for you! And this is truly a life saver!
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Stuck In My Head | We don't talk anymore
Don't wanna know
What kind of dress you're wearing tonight
If he's giving it to you just right
The way I did before
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Are you following me on Instagram? No?! You should! I post the most interesting stuff cof cof on Instagram, every single day! Not really, but you know, if you follow me, I'll follow you back ;)
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Hot Guys and Undershirts | Tommy John
Since it's still back to school season, I wanna teach you a lesson today. A lesson about undershirts, and how their can change a whole look!
In my office, guys have to wear suits. All the time. And there's nothing more hot than a guy in a nice suit! I mean, Let's just all admit it OK? Any guy looks hot in a suit! They look like classy hot gentlemen...
But then they take their jacket off, and that's when you get all disappointed! You see pit stains, you see hairs picking out of the shirt, you notice that they look kinda weird around the tummy... and that just takes all the classiness out of wearing a suit (and it's slightly disgusting!) But you know why this happens? Because these guys are not wearing a good undershirt!
Guys usually just wear a regular white t-shirt under their shirt. But t-shirts are not made to be undershirts! They are too short, they get untucked through the day, ruffling and creating wear volume around the stomach area, or it doesn't handle sweat properly! And if this is as uncomfortable as it sounds, I feel sorry for whoever wear these!
Thankfully, Tommy John, came out with the perfect undershirt. They made it very well fitted, and extra long, allowing it to stay tuck all day! And the cool part is that they not only offer 3 types of fabrics to keep guys comfortable in different conditions, but they also have 4 different necklines available so that guys can use it in any occasion, from buttoned up with a tie events to short sleeve in summer days!
Next time you need to buy a gift for one of the men in your life, check out Tommy John website.They sell THE best underwear for guys!
And in the meanwhile, you can always share this with all the hot guys in your office. I know I will!
Friday, September 23, 2016
How to become Rapunzel
I'm really enjoying making these "how to become..." posts! It is so much fun to thing about how would a Disney movie character look if she was a real person! This time, I chose Rapunzel. I really like this character, I think she represents a super strong, practical girl, and that's what I tried to show trough this outfit. I know the dress isn't exactly the same colour as hers but I just liked it so much! I also included a key-shaped key chain, because, you know, she was locked in a tower...
-- Please be nice and supportive and click on at least one of the pictures! I'd do the same for you. Thank you! --
| How to become Jasmine | How to become Ariel |
| How to become Jasmine | How to become Ariel |
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Review | Novex Pra Bombar Hydrating Mask
I have to admit. When it comes to my hair I'm a bit careless. I wash it, blow dry it and straight it using a flat iron once a week.. And that's it. I usually don't use conditioner, or masks. Most of the times I even forget to heat protective spray. Yep, I'm that careless.
So when Embelleze sent me 1kg of the Novex Pra Bombar Hydrating Mask I was scared. I don't know what I am going to do with a gigantic bottle of hair nourishing marshmallow fluff ( I don't know how to describe it better, Ok? Don't judge me)
But since it arrived at my door step, I've being doing a effort to use it -- as a hair mask -- every time I wash I wash my hair normally, then I apply a nice coat the mask, trying to focus more the product on the tips and I just leave in for 3 minutes, as recommended. After, I rinse it thoroughly.
My first impression was that I didn't make my hair super soft and smooth, super easy to comb through, after applying it, like I'have experienced before with other conditioners or masks. It felt the same, which is good! Because for me usually that feeling comes with oily hair after two days, and that is unacceptable for me! And yeah, this product doesn't do that to me, YEY!
The mask it self has a ver nice fragrance -- I like it. And the smell actually lingers at in my hair for like two days!
I do feel like my hair is a bit stronger and more hydrated, specially on the ends. I can't say if it made it grow more or not, because my hair already grows at a pretty fast pace. But the difference is noticeable, at least for me. I only use it once a week, but I've red that if you use it more regularly, and if you use it paired with the Novex Pra Bombar Shampoo, it really makes your hair grow super fast!
Someone told me you can also apply this to your nails yo help them get stronger and to help them grow faster!
Overall, I think this is an awesome hair mask, really! The only complaint that I have is wish that the bottle was smaller, because it's going to take me a lifetime to go thought this amount of product!
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