Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Review | Bio-Oil

No, I haven't had a baby nor am I pregnant which is what I know most people associate Bio-Oil with,
although I have heard that it is a complete wonder product for stretch marks, scars or weird skin pigmentation! I goggled a bit and I have seen really promising before and after pictures, in different blogs, so I decided to try it out!
So what have I been using Bio-Oil for? Plain and simple to reduce the appearance of acne scarring on my shoulders and back and some small stretch marks -- gross I know but sharing is caring <3
Bio-Oil as many will know is a dry oil which essentially means it applies like a slightly greasy liquid but as soon as you begin to massage in into the sky it quickly absorbs without any trace of residue which is simply brilliant for all those like myself who aren't the biggest fans of oil products. It is very smooth and it smells really great!
I apply it everyday after shower in my whole body and on my face just before moisturizing -- and just a bit goes a long way!
I have been using it for around 2 1/2 weeks and OMG my skin is so much softer! I was a bit skeptical to be honest -- but you know I am really impressed with this! I am not sure if it will fix giant scars but I am sure that it will probably help with the healing process! And for sure it will help prevent stretch marks!

This small bottle (60ml) costs around 10€ but I feel like it will last me for ever!

Do you use any type of product like this? Do you like this type of products? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Já tinha ouvido falar deste produto mas também estava bastante céptica. Acho que é desta que vou experimentá-lo!!

  2. Quero muito experimentar este produto.

  3. A única coisa que uso para o corpo é creme hidratante, que as estrias que tenho no peito já são permanentes.

    R.: Desculpa a demora. Até atingir o meu peso ideal perdi 20 Kg.

  4. Já tem um bom tempo que ando a procura dele aqui em Recife, e ainda não encontrei...
    Ótimo rewiew!!!


  5. I used this product for a very long time and it worked very well to reduce some redish spots that i had on my hand! I also used to mix a few drops in my moisturizer!

  6. Ando com vontade de comprar há muito tempo, e com reviews assim ainda fico com mais :)

  7. ando com muita vontade de comprar , mas não sei :s

  8. Pois... Eu só apliquei durante uma semana em manchinhas no rosto.


Thank you so much for you comment!
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