My Life
New In My Closet
Stuck In My Head
My Week
Must Watch
Quick Tips
Weird Habits
Healthy Habits
This or That
What Really Grinds My Gears
BlindBag Madness
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Today is the international coffee day
Today is the international coffee day and I could not let this day pass without making a small tribute to my dearst friend -- Mr.Coffee.
He has been with me through heaven and hell and through sickness and health. He picked me up when no one could and he brights up my days by being such a warm friend every morning!
Thank you for everything :)
Monday, September 28, 2015
Empties #2 | Girly Stuff
This Empties is all very about very girly products -- And I love this stuff!
- Lactacyd Intimate Daily Wash. I know most girls don't really use this kind of product but I think it is important to have a special product to clean you special lady parts. I don't have any problem or anything, I just like to do it. It makes me feel cleaner and safer. I really like this brand and they have a tone of different products, and they also have a special wash for teenagers if you are interested!. This one is a pharmacy product but I think you can find this type of stuff at your local supermarket, near tampons and pads. For me, this hole thing lasted more then a year! So it is totally worth it! It has a very soft smell, it is very smooth and I really like that i comes with a pump. Will I repurchase it? YES
Saturday, September 26, 2015
My week #08 | I am working too much
This last week (or maybe I should say weeks?) was completely stressful! I have been having so much work! I think I am becoming an workaholic! Really! Sometimes I feel like I just need to push my self a bit more, to always do better! But I can't deal with the stress or pressure of having a deadline and maybe not being able to meet the deadline that I just work, work,work. Any advice on how to deal with this?
Anyway, this week I have been having croissants for breakfast! They go great with coffee. Some days I just put some jam or Nutella inside and they just taste so so great! Lately I haven't eaten any cereals because I have been feeling kinda weird when I drink/eat milk. Maybe I am developing some sort of lactose intolerance -- I need to check that, but now I have zero time for that!
Also, when I am stressed I eat chocolate. I try to always eat dark chocolate because it has less sugar then regular chocolate. I fond this super nices tasty truffles and I have been complelty addiceted for like the last three weeks. They are a bit expensive, but totally wort it! Yumms
I also made the famous Marta Stuart One Pot Pasta. I saw it on a YouTube Video and I decided to try it. It is really simple and easy and It only uses one pan. It is quite good but it it is very simple in flavor, it is not going to make you jump up and down, but it is good and fresh. It doesn't really have any strong taste. It is just pasta, tomatoes, onion, and garlic, all in a pan -- i used a frying pan like in the video -- and added salt, pepper and some herbs.
This week I have also I announced the winner of the last giveaway! And I have everything nice and packed and ready to put in the mail! I also added a cute note :D
I think I'll have time to send it tomorrow!! One think that i noticed -- again-- is that some people do not follow the rulls of the gieaway! It is just so stupid! All the giveaways that I have done so far I bought all the products with my own money and I want someone to get it. I kinda feel that by not respecting the rule you are not respecting my effort. But that's fine, cuz if you don't do it right you won't be able to win!
Hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy this awesome weather we've been having!! Good luck to ya'll that are going back to school!! :)
Friday, September 25, 2015
What Really Grinds My Gears | Nicholas Sparks
... Nicholas Sparks books and Movies. I just hate them. I despise his smarmy, clammy, treacly bullshit. Down with A Walk to Remember, down with The Last Song, and, yes, down with the fucking Notebook. He writes sensitive manly books about sensitive manly men having sensitive manly feelings. Not romance. He literally has a section of his website FAQs devoted to the difference between "love stories" and "romance novels."
Call me boring, but I think real love isn't tear-stained kisses under the Spanish moss—it's about switching to turkey bacon because of your husband's cholesterol and cleaning the litter box for a cat you despise because your wife's pregnant and she loves that furry little asshole.
Must Watch | True inspiration
Have you seen this video? She is awesome! And she does her make better than so many people that have full control of their bodies ----- including me! She is such an inspiration!
Explore your options, the obvious route may not always be for you
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
And the winner is ... | BTS ESSENTIALS
Congrats Claudia Ramos!!!
YOU are the winner of the awesome BTS Essentials Giveaway! I sent you an email asking for your info!!
I am so happy because I had so many entries and I really hope that Claudia loves this products as much as I do. I bought them with my own money and for me it is important that they go to someone that will appreciate and really love them!!Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Am I a bad person for thinking like this?
I was on the train today, with a friend, and we saw this girl that had way to much make up on.
Her face was all cakey and we could clearly see like a line in her chin where her foundation stopped. Me and my friend started to comment a bit about it. And the more we talked the more "problems" we noticed with her make up, specially because it was noticable that she was trying to hide a lot of acne scars and she didn't do a very good job. Tbh, we were kinda making fun of the other girl.
But later, when i was alone, I started to think about what we were saying... You know I always thought of make up as something you use to hide your small imperfections and to enhance your best features. I always use some make up on my face but I never have a full face of make up. But then again, I guess i can call myself lucky -- i have never had any skin issues, like acne or redness, and i am somewhat "pretty" and I guess I have enough confidance to be my in my own skin.
But the girl on the train, she was literally wearing a mask. I kinda feel sorry for her.
You know why? Because she isn't embracing who she is! She was hiding all of her scars but in the end I was making fun of her make up, and I would never noticed her scars if she wasn't looking like a clown - i am sorry to say this but it's true! I only noticed her because of the exessive and poorly executed make up that she had on.
I wish i could have told her this, but I guess I'll just tell you all : You don't have to hide, just be yourself and you'll blend in. If you are trying too much to be something you're not. people will notice and brand you as fake. At least I know I do that!
P.S.: I have a ton of comments to answer, I know! But works has been crazy -- again -- and I haven't had much time! And don't forget the GIVEAWAY! It is almost over!!
Monday, September 14, 2015
What's in my bag | September 2015
Hello! How are you all?
I know I haven't posted anything for like a week but today I am posting something nice eheh.
I am always curious about other
people's strange habits and the "whats in my bag" tags are super interesting that I decided to show you what is in my bag! Call me wird but I like to know what kind of strange stuff people cary around every day!
Tbh, I don't have a bunch of crappy stuff in my bag and I hate carry a lot of weight so I am showing you the things that are essential to me! I didn't clean my bag or added anything. It is exactly what I have in it today!
This is my bag -- a simple H&M brown bag, nothing fancy! No, I don't have a MK like everyone else on blogger. I prefer simple and easy-going stuff for everyday.
And as you can see I don't have that much stuff. But there are a couple of things that I have to have with me!
Make up wise, is not that much! I gave my Rimmel Stay Matte powder and a little Sephora puff to apply it, a little tube of mascara from Model Co. and and eye pencil from Rimmel. I also have my favorite lipstick -- which i have talked about here -- and Labbello lipbuter. You always need lipbuter. I also have my contact lenses' case.
I know I haven't posted anything for like a week but today I am posting something nice eheh.
I am always curious about other
people's strange habits and the "whats in my bag" tags are super interesting that I decided to show you what is in my bag! Call me wird but I like to know what kind of strange stuff people cary around every day!
Tbh, I don't have a bunch of crappy stuff in my bag and I hate carry a lot of weight so I am showing you the things that are essential to me! I didn't clean my bag or added anything. It is exactly what I have in it today!
This is my bag -- a simple H&M brown bag, nothing fancy! No, I don't have a MK like everyone else on blogger. I prefer simple and easy-going stuff for everyday.

And as you can see I don't have that much stuff. But there are a couple of things that I have to have with me!
First thing is my mini wallet from MSK. I love it, it is super small and compact but everything that I need fits prfectly. Having a small wallet helps me keep it always clean and tidy. When I had a big one, it was always full of recipits and I hated that!!
Next, my notebook (and a pen that is literally stuck inside the notebook). This one is from IKEA and it was very cheap. I use it to take notes and write down groceries or to-do lists. I don't have a planner but I use a small notebook for that.
The last thing is just some babywipes and my super girly mini makeup bag. I bought this at H&M maybe 10 years ago and it is still my favorite specially becausr it is completely washable!
[Usually I also have my Metro Card, my keys and my phone inside my bag but since I was at home the keys and metro card were near the door so I don't forget them every morning, and I was using my phobe to take the pictures ]
Inside my little makeup bag I have some essentials that I always have with me.
Make up wise, is not that much! I gave my Rimmel Stay Matte powder and a little Sephora puff to apply it, a little tube of mascara from Model Co. and and eye pencil from Rimmel. I also have my favorite lipstick -- which i have talked about here -- and Labbello lipbuter. You always need lipbuter. I also have my contact lenses' case.
Another thing that I always have is some pills. In this picture I only have one kind -- imodium for when your belly is not feeling good lol-- but usualy I also have paracetamol ( remind me later that I need to put some in my bag please! )
Another thig that I always have is some bobby pins and elastics, because you never know when you will have a hair emergency!! Something that i usually have that I don't have now is hand sanitizer and some tampons cuz you never know!
So this is it! I hope you liked it and I challenge you all to do something like this and to post on your blog! :)
And don't forget about the giveaway!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Partnershirp | Oriflame by Ana Dinis
The blog now has a partnership with an Oriflame girl! YEEY!
So today I am sharing with you some of the new Oriflame products that I thought you would like for the end of the summer!
She is offering 10% discount on any purchase using the code girlygirl10 -- you just have to tell her that you saw her "add" in my blog. And FREE SHIPPING -- Portugal only -- for purchases higher than 35€! Isn't this super awesome?!
So today I am sharing with you some of the new Oriflame products that I thought you would like for the end of the summer!
She is offering 10% discount on any purchase using the code girlygirl10 -- you just have to tell her that you saw her "add" in my blog. And FREE SHIPPING -- Portugal only -- for purchases higher than 35€! Isn't this super awesome?!
At the end of the summer, after wearing sandals every day, going to the beach and to the pool my feet always look dry and disgusting, so when I was flipping throuhg the catalog I thought that this products were just perfect for this time of the year!
Oriflame actually has a line of products that makes our feet all moisturized during the whole year! These are the Feet Up Advanced products! One of the best selling lines of products and with best results!
Oriflame actually has a line of products that makes our feet all moisturized during the whole year! These are the Feet Up Advanced products! One of the best selling lines of products and with best results!
We all have different issues but Oriflame presents a solution for all of them! I think four aound just amaizing!
1 - Cracked Heel Repair Foot Cream / Creme
para calcanhares gretados
The big problem i always have is cracked heels and this awesome cream moisturizes, repairs and sooths the cracked skin. It is Fast-acting and deeply penetrating, with moisturizing and softening Urea, Cocoa Butter, Vitamin B5
and effective Intensive Care Complex. You should use it twice daily, and within one week we'll have great visible
2 - Salvation foot cream / Creme
para pés Salvation
This is the miracle worker of the line! Gives you Intensive moisturizing with the first application! This advanced formulation
combines Shea Butter to help reduce the appearance of calluses with
Salicylic Acid to support the cell renewal process. It has Peppermint Oil -- that smells super super good that is very soothing while Intensive Care Complex hydrates skin.
3 - 2-in-1 Deep Action Foot Scrub / Esfoliante
para pés 2 em 1 ação profunda
Advanced scrub with anti-bacterial Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil exfoliates
rough skin while helping to protect against foot odour. Combining
Intensive Care Complex with Shea Butter and Urea this rich exfoliant
removes dead skin cells and hydrates tired feet.This one is defenetly my favorite! I love to scrubs and Shea Butter! Yumms!
4 - Rescue Treatment Foot Mask / Máscara
intensiva para pés secos e cansados
You know those foot masks that make your old disgusting foot skin fall off after one week -- I think this is one of them! It has effective hydration for dry, tired and aching feet with Intensive Care
Complex, Beeswax, and Shea Butter to nourish and soften. Restores and revitalizes. Leave on for at least 20 minutes. For bether results, leave
on overnight.
All this awesome products are featured in Catalog number 13 <- click there to see the catalog!
And I don't think they are that expensive, do you? 12,95€ for two of them with the 10% discount it is an awesome deal!! I think Oriflame has so many good things, all natural! If you haven't tried any Oriflame product, you should!
Do you have any Oriflame products that you absolutly love?! Let me know in the comments!
Monday, September 7, 2015
My week #07 | Yummy
Hello! How was your week? My week was calm and not as much stressful as the few last weeks.. thank god! Since I had time to relax a bit, I have more interesting stuff to show you!
The first thing is, of course, my coffee! I got his new mugs from IKEA -- they are the cheapest ones but i just love this color!
In the beginning of the week, I went and did some shopping for the giveaway that I am hosting. And I just can't resist to swatch all the lippies on my the back of my hands. Do you also do this or it's just me?? BTW GO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY!!!
I also had a bit more time to spend with food, so made this yummy cheese balls. They are filled with mozzarella and american cheese and deep fried... Super good! Yumms! It is in fact one of my favorite snacks. I know, I know they are not that healthy but at least I make them my self and I know exactly what is inside. And I usually don't eat to much crap, so it's OK!
And I also made this yummy rice and greens with kinda of a Mexican inspiration! I love rice, and I love to make like a vegetarian rice salad with some leftover plain rice. I boil some mixed greens (broccoli, green beans, spinach, peas, or whatever fancies you). Then I just mix everything with the rice very well, add the juice of half a lemon and some parsley... and voila! This is great as it self, or you can add some cheese -- the saltiness of Feta cheese goes great in here! Or you can eat it as side dish! And you can really add any vegetables you want! It is a great way to re-use leftovers! Doesn't it look yummy and healthy? :)
And this is all for this week. Again, don't forget to enter the giveaway! I love all the products that I am giving away! I am not sponsored so I bought them all with my own money and I really want them to go to someone that will enjoy them as much as I do!
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Do you know how expensive school books are?
They cost at least 20€ each, and in middle school kids have like 8 or 9 different subjects...
This is a heavy financial burden for a lot a parents! Specially if you have more than on kid!
I used to know this family that couldn't afford to go on holidays because they had to save money for their 3 kids school books! They spent all summer working extra-hours to be able to afford them.
This cool project called REUTILIZAR aims to collect and re-use school books. They have several "banks" around all Portugal that you can go and get your school books - FOR FREE! I know it is nice to have new book that no one else used before, but think about the awesome stuff you could buy with the money you'd save! And it is better for the environment!
If you are fortunate enough to be able to buy new books every year, at least consider in donating your old books to this program. It would help a lot of families and a lot of kids! You can find all the book banks in their website!
Check out their facebook and share with your friends! It is the easiest way to help!
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Empties #1 | Summer
Welcome to my first **official**empties post! Last time I tried to do it I had some issues -- you can read all about it HERE;
Don't forget to enter the back to school giveaway!
- Sanex Sensitive Deodorant.I usually don't like spray stuff, I feel like I waste too much product. I liked it, it smelled good and clean. But nothing specially. Will I repurchase it? NO
- Sephora Smoothing Body Scrub in Blue
Lilac. I loved this so much! Specially because of its crazy awesome purple color! I love all Sephora's body/shower products but his one looked so cool. It has a very fresh
floral smell but it is not overpowering. Will I repurchase it? YES
- Nivea Sun Protect & Fresh spf 30. I have been wearing lots of shorts so I spray this on my legs every morning. It goes on clear and is supper refreshing and soft. I love the smell -- reminds me of the beach! Will I repurchase it? YES
- Garnier Ultra Doux Honey Tresures shampoo. I bought this mainly because of the smell. But i dint end up linking it that much. I have to use a lot of product to wash all my hair so that bottle was finished super fast. And the smell didn't stay in my hair for a long time. Will I repurchase it? NO
- SensiBiafine Water Micellar. This product is awesome! I love it but it is a bit expensive because it is like a pharmacy or para-pharmacy product. Biafine is actually a brand of lotion for when you have burns or rashes, and recently they lunched a line of skin care products for different ages and skin types, that has the same skin regenerating properties. Will I repurchase it? YES
- HUGGIES Baby Wipes (Travel Size). I go trough this baby wipes like a mad person. Really -- They are a need on my day-to-day. Specially in the summer! They are fairly inexpensive and I always have a pack like this in my bag - you never know when you'll need one! Will I repurchase it? YES
Don't forget to enter the back to school giveaway!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
To celebrate the back to school season I am giving away a bunch of stuff that I consider essentials for going back to school! I al not talking about makeup or school supplies but just skin care products!
All this products are things that i love and use on my own daily life and I know you are going to love them!

To celebrate the back to school season I am giving away a bunch of stuff that I consider essentials for going back to school! I al not talking about makeup or school supplies but just skin care products!
All this products are things that i love and use on my own daily life and I know you are going to love them!
I chose this products because for me they are essentials for starting school. I will explain why on each product
- DEMAK UP make up wipes -- this is my favorite way of removing make up from my face! When you go to school you HAVE to --you know-- use some foundation or concealer to hide some face demons and at the end of the day it is SUPER IMPORTANT TO REMOVE ALL YOUR MAKE UP! And this wipes are so good! they smell like fresh clean sheets and I use them always! *I don't know if you can get these in Portugal*
-Neutrogena face-cleaner anti-black heads -- black heads are a problem! I HATE black heads and i bet you do too. No one likes to have disgusting black stuff on their face! This product actually works if you use it like twice a week. It is to wash your face but it also has some exfoliate in it. Is really good and soft. And the smell -- it smells like soap but like a medicinal soap. I don't know how to explain, but it smells clean!

-HUGGIES baby wipes -- I know it seams strange. Why I am giving you baby wipes?! Well -- baby wipes can save your life -- specially on that time of the month, if you know what I mean! Really, you shoul keep a pack of baby wipes on you backpack just in case. I guarantee you that you will use them over and over. HUGGIES are my favorites just because of the way they smell.
-Maybelline baby lips -- Every girl needs a lip balm -- and this one is great because it leaves some color! I love them! I chose the Cherry Me color because it is a nice strong pink!
-Maybelline Color Show nail polish in Ocean Blue! -- I think that this is the perfect nail polish for the first day of school! It has such a great shimmer **I bought one for my self too**
Okay, so to win this I have came up with some interesting stuff so you can have more chances of winning!
(A) Leave a comment on this post - 1 entry
(B) Make a post on your blog sharing the giveaway - 5 entries
(C) Follow the blog -- if you already follow it counts as well - 2 entries
(D) Like TheNotSoGirlyGirl Facebook page - 1 entry
(E) Like and share THIS facebook post - 2 entries
(F) Tag 3 friends on THIS fecebook post - 3 entries for each 3 friends you tag. you can tag as many friends you want, as a multiple of 3.
Just fill out this form with you blogger name (the name you used to comment on the blog), facebook name and with the stuff you did! I will announce the winner on September 21st!
Good luck!!
(A) Leave a comment on this post - 1 entry
(B) Make a post on your blog sharing the giveaway - 5 entries
(C) Follow the blog -- if you already follow it counts as well - 2 entries
(D) Like TheNotSoGirlyGirl Facebook page - 1 entry
(E) Like and share THIS facebook post - 2 entries
(F) Tag 3 friends on THIS fecebook post - 3 entries for each 3 friends you tag. you can tag as many friends you want, as a multiple of 3.
Just fill out this form with you blogger name (the name you used to comment on the blog), facebook name and with the stuff you did! I will announce the winner on September 21st!
Good luck!!
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