This Empties is all very about very girly products -- And I love this stuff!

- Veet Wax Strips. Recently I have started to wax my self. I used to go to a salon and have some one do it to me. But since now I am busy as hell it is hard for me to make an appointment during the day -- so have been trying to do some "maintenance" on my own. It is cheaper than going to the salon. And I am very resistant to pain so i can do it to myself. I have never ever ever shaved any part of my body so all my hairs are now very weak and they come out very easily too. I always use Veet products -- for me they are the best. The blue one in the back is for sensitive skin and the pink is like "regular" wax strips with Karité butter or something -- but to be completely honest they are pretty much the same -- I bought both to see if I could notice any difference and No. They cost the same and work the same way, with same results. I can't say that they minimize the hairs as they announce in the package but i GUARANTEE that if you wax every single time, if you never use blades of any kind, or shaving creams your hairs WILL BECAME WEAKER and Weaker after one year or two. It is not an instant method but for me it really worked. I used to need to wax like every two weeks, now i can go maybe one month and a half without needing anything. The small one, is the same thing but smaller strips, for arm pits and bikini area. I really like to use them, it is easy simple and mess free! Will I repurchase it? YES
- Lactacyd Intimate Daily Wash. I know most girls don't really use this kind of product but I think it is important to have a special product to clean you special lady parts. I don't have any problem or anything, I just like to do it. It makes me feel cleaner and safer. I really like this brand and they have a tone of different products, and they also have a special wash for teenagers if you are interested!. This one is a pharmacy product but I think you can find this type of stuff at your local supermarket, near tampons and pads. For me, this hole thing lasted more then a year! So it is totally worth it! It has a very soft smell, it is very smooth and I really like that i comes with a pump. Will I repurchase it? YES
Também uso um produto para higiene intima, mas compro da marca continente. Nao sei se é melhor ou pior, mas gosto. Beijinhos :)
ReplyDeleteA única vez que experimentei cera em casa fiquei com a perna negra o verão todo! Falta de jeito!! Quanto à higiene íntima gosto do Corine de Farme.
ReplyDeleteTambém costumo fazer a depilação a mim própria, mas agora vou começar a fazer fotodepilação. Nunca usei nenhum desse tipo de produtos de higiene íntima, mas estou a pensar fazê-lo, nem que seja apenas para experimentar.
ReplyDeleteR: Obrigada por me teres seguido, também te segui. O quê que achas que levo a mais? Talvez os batôns (nunca sei escrever no plural...), confesso que nem eu sabia que tinha tantos lá. Por acaso tenho que ver se reduzo um bocadinho o que levo, quanto menos melhor, só que há sempre certas coisas que temos que levar...
Blog: As Confissões da Andreia
Num fui a uma esteticista... desde os 14 anos que faço a minha depilação, sempre com Veet também! Mas prefiro a fórmula em creme, não gosto de sofrer :p
Uso outra marca de sabonete intimo, mas tenho vontade de testar outra marca veet é uma boa sugestão.
Eu fiz depilação a laser, mas quando alguns pelos começam a aparecer uso veet ou lamina mesmo.